• 8 years ago
INDIA — If you're a 90s kid, you for sure remember the legendary Nokia 3310—that indestructible little brick whose battery would last for days. And with Nokia’s now releasing updated version, you might think the classic 17-year-old model with the powerful, vibrating ringer has been retired for good. You’d be wrong.

A survey of women in India has revealed many are using the old phones as, well, sex toys. That’s right, in a country where commercial sex toys are notoriously hard to buy, the old 3310 lives on as a pulsating, shuddering vibrator replacement.

Website Agents of Ishq, who surveyed 100 women, reported its discovery this week in a now viral post.

You might laugh, but that phone can vibrate its way off a goddam glass coffee table. One do-it-yourself sex toy website even suggests setting the phone’s alarm to go off every minute until you reach orgasm.

But before you rummage through that duty bottom draw, remember the old 3310 isn’t waterproof. So wrap that sucker up before you get started.


