Paul Ryan Doesn't Agree That Comey Is A 'Nut Job'

  • 7 years ago
At an Axios event, Paul Rayn was asked to share his thoughts on President Trump's recent comments about James Comey.

On May 19, the New York Times reported, based on an inside account, that President Trump, while meeting with Russian officials, called former FBI Director James Comey a “nut job." 
Mike Allen of Axios recently asked House Speaker Paul Ryan to comment on the alleged statement.
Ryan said, “Yeah, I don't agree with that, and he's not." 
He went on to say, “I like Jim Comey. I know that there are people on both sides of the aisle concerned with decisions he made. I think he was put into an impossible position.” 
Ryan recalled that when he received the now infamous late October letter from Comey regarding renewed interest in Hillary Clinton’s emails, “That one really kind of took me by surprise, and I remember thinking to myself, 'what an impossible, no-win position or decision he had to make.'" 
After Trump's comments about Comey were reported by the New York Times, Comey's father had harsh words to say about the president.
According to the Bergen Record, 86-year-old J. Brien Comey said in a recent interview, “I never was crazy about Trump.” 
He added, “I’m convinced that he’s nuts. I thought he belonged in an institution. He was crazy before he became president. Now he’s really crazy.” 


