Ivanka Trump Calls Her Experience At The Western Wall ‘Deeply Meaningful’

  • 7 years ago
While the Trump family’s recent visit to Jerusalem’s Western Wall was historical, as Donald Trump is the first sitting president to do so, for Ivanka it was also deeply personal.

On Monday, President Trump, his wife Melania, and daughter Ivanka visited Jerusalem’s Western Wall, one of Judaism’s holiest places, reports ABC News.
CNN notes that while their presence was historical, as Donald Trump is the first sitting president to do so, it was, for Ivanka, also deeply personal. 
She converted to Judaism prior to her 2009 marriage to Jared Kushner. 
While at the Western Wall, Ivanka engaged in a moment of prayer, appearing incredibly moved by the experience. As the eldest Trump daughter returned to her group, she seemed to wipe away a tear.
Ivanka later said via Twitter, “It was deeply meaningful to visit the holiest site of my faith and to leave a note of prayer.” 
Both Ivanka and her husband have faced scrutiny from those who feel the high profile couple does not adequately abide by their faith. However, in a commentary published in the Jerusalem Post it was noted that after her experience at the Western Wall, “Even hardened Israeli pundits called her ‘Ivanka, a member of our people,’ applauding her for the quiet moment.”