"Du tout Cuit" is a 3D-animated full film - This funny animation short movie (full cartoon 3D movie HD) was created by several students for their graduation project at ESMA (Montpellier, France).
Du Tout Cuit - 3D-Animated short film
Film Direction : Juline BRETON, Loïc CURIEN, Vincent JUAN & Julien TISSEAU.
Music : Raphaël BELLAMY, Clément OSMONT, Arnaud PIERSON BERTHIER
Sounds Recording and Mix: José VICENTE & Yoann PONCET
Du Tout Cuit - 3D-Animated short film
Film Direction : Juline BRETON, Loïc CURIEN, Vincent JUAN & Julien TISSEAU.
Music : Raphaël BELLAMY, Clément OSMONT, Arnaud PIERSON BERTHIER
Sounds Recording and Mix: José VICENTE & Yoann PONCET