Islam Empire of Faith Part II 4/7Crusaders

  • 16 years ago

Several hundred years of peaceful co-existance between Muslims and Christians living side by side in the Holy Land came to an abrupt and horrific end with the advent of the European Crusaders invading Jerusalem and slaughtering everyone in sight.

None were spared; not the elderly, nor the children, not the crippled nor the women. Muslims, Jews and Christians alike were all attacked, raped and murdered in plain sight, by the invasion of Christian feudal lords - "In the Name of Christ!"

1095 was to be the turning point of civilization and would usher in a new wave of ignorance and hatred on a scale never witnessed before. The Catholic Church was on the brink of the biggest and most fierce land grab and forced religious conversion ever recorded in histroy. Pope Urban the second, spent most of the year traveling through France emporing his feudal lords to unite in a campaign of blood shed:

"Hasten to exterminate this vial race from the lands of your eastern brethern" the pope demanded "Jerusalem is the navel of the world. She cries out to be liberated. Christ himself, commands it!"