'Angry' hippo attacks car in South Africa

  • 7 years ago
Shocking footage has emerged from South Africa of a hippo attacking a car at Kruger National Park.

The video, filmed on April 13, shows the apparently "stressed" animal charging at the tourists twice before the car manages to pull away.

The filmer explained why the hippo might have been behaving like this, writing online: "In times of drought, hippos can become quite stressed and as a result become more aggressive.

"Hippos often leave the safety of the water when food is scarce and they then feed far from the relative safety of the water."

"This hippo quickly became agitated with two tourists on safari in South Africa's Kruger National Park," he continued.

"As they positioned themselves for a better photograph (hippos are rarely seen this close outside of the water), the hippo decided to attack their car.

"They are remarkably fast and with powerful jaws can easily open up a car's protective metal 'like a can of beans'.

"The tourists stayed calm under this extraordinary circumstances and got the sighting of a lifetime."


