BC'17—Meet Your Candidates: Samson Boyer, Columbia River-Revelstoke Riding

  • 7 years ago
'Berley Times in cooperation with Kimberley Mayor Don McCormick and Ian Cobb, Editor, e-Know.ca invited candidates in the Columbia River-Revelstoke riding to a conversation about our community and the current campaign.

Unlike the usual all candidate debates that generally only allow for a minute or two of response, these interviews go much deeper into the issues and really give you a better idea of the candidates, who they are and what they stand for.

All politics is local. The character of the candidate is crucial. We’ve provided the opportunity to meet the people who want to represent your interests in Victoria. You’re the judge.

[Two candidates--Rylan Kashub (Libertarian) and Duncan Boyd MacLeod (Independent)--were certified after we had sent invitations to these conversations. We regret that we were unable to include them in these conversations.]


