3 ways to tie the perfect headwrap

  • il y a 7 ans

Have you been wearing your doek, dhuku, turban or qhiya, in the same way for years or keen to give the look a try?
With sub-Saharan Africa origins, the head wrap has been a symbol of dignity and class amongst both men and women in Africa. Today, it's a great accessory for making a bold fashion statement.

Drum gives you 3 ways of wearing one to suit your mood or outfit:

Recently, Okayafrica.com unpacked the complex history of the headwrap in the US and a video describes how at one point in the country's history, black women were legally forced to wear headwraps.

We already know our ongoing issues with the style. Globally though, we have come a long way and even though tying a piece of fabric around your head holds so much significance and history it's wonderful to see so many women looking super stylish in their doeks.

Take some inspo from these local and international women:

Sources : http://www.drum.co.za/mobile/drum-hair/3-ways-to-tie-the-perfect-head-wrap/

