Sharp Objects Season 1 Episode 5 - Closer

  • 7 years ago
Sharp Objects Season 1 Episode 5 - Closer

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I liked this show and I disagree slightly with the person who says they need to come up with original "ghosts". All of these are things that are rooted in folklore and urban legends. I think it's interesting to see how they'll explore these. Some of this is familiar yes but I'm drawn to see how they learn about each "creature" and the best way to overcome whatever they come across. It's a neat show that explores some of America's famous legends with a duo of brothers who are searching for their father and the "thing" that killed their mother. It would be neat for it to come up with new creatures but to explore the well known ones is a good way to start the season, to slowly introduce people to the otherworldly aspects of America. I recommend this show for anyone who enjoys supernatural tales and folklore.
