• 8 years ago
5. Terrafugia TF-X™
4. The Transition® Is
3. Maverick Flying Car
2. PAL-V Flying Car
1. AeroMobil 3.0

Terrafugia TF-X™
The TF-X™ won’t require an airport for takeoff and landing, and it will drive on all roads and highways - providing the convenience of true door-to-door transportation.

The Transition® Is
The Transition is the world’s first practical flying car. A folding-wing, two-seat, roadable aircraft, the Transition® is designed to fly like a typical Light Sport Aircraft in the air and drive like a typical car on the ground. It will run on premium unleaded automotive gasoline, fit in a standard construction single-car garage, and convert between flight and drive modes in under a minute.

Maverick Flying Car
The Maverick LSA “Flying Car” is the fulfillment of a dream. It is the result of six long years of research and development by a creative non-profit organization known as the Indigenous Peoples’ Technology and Education Center

PAL-V Flying Car
The launch of the PAL-V ONE marks a truly historic event: the birth of a new class of vehicles offering unprecedented freedom, adventure, flexibility and pleasure – all in one product!

AeroMobil 3.0
AeroMobil is a flying car that perfectly makes use of existing infrastructure created for automobiles and planes, and opens doors to real door-to-door travel. As a car it fits into any standard parking space, uses regular gasoline, and can be used in road traffic just like any other car.

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