• 8 years ago
In this documentary we moved to Ancient Egypt to learn their vision of the world, life and death, gods and magic.
For the ancient Egyptians, the Nile was the main connection between their lives and an infinite supply of provisions. But its waters hid an underworld of darkness and mystery for its first settlers. The Nile was one the spiritual paths that combined life and death, the real world and the underworld.
Two stellar phenomena have been proven to set the rhythm of the Egyptians' life: the journey of the sun god Ra, that ensured both the renewal of the days and the balance between the two worlds, and the miracle of the annual flooding of the Nile, thanks to the apparition of the goddess Sotis: the Sirius star.
The ancient Egyptians believed that no sky, Earth, gods, men, animals or plants existed before creation. There was only an immense void they called Nun that contained Atum, the beginning of all things.
The Egyptian temple was a door to another dimension, and its design demanded precisely that. The height of its ceilings, the level of its floors, the shape and elements of the columns and its capitals, the games of light and shadow... Nothing was placed randomly, everything had a purpose.
The ones in charge of performing magic were the great wizard, the pharaoh, and the priests. But communication with the gods was limited to the only mortal that possessed the magic powers needed: the living god, the pharaoh.
The Egyptians knew that only the magic of the pharaoh and the priests could carry out supernatural deeds and acts. It was thanks to that magic that the universal order was maintained. But its power could also help man to achieve his longed for desire.
The deceased had to be able to reach the world of the gods. If they thought he had gathered enough merits, they would grant him the much desired eternal life.


