• 8 yıl önce
Go to (Avaliable on Amazon & Vimeo).

See what makes Skid Row tick, a tell all, never before seen, raw documentary about the harsh reality of the street life in Los Scandalous -- Skid Row. The homeless capital of The United States.

Watch through my lens, as I show the true gutter life in Los Angeles; from prostitution, homelessness, hard addiction, the drug dealers perspective, police corruption and the system designed to keep them all there.

My name is Shanks Rajendran and I'm a 28 year old Australian filmmaker. I shot this documentary to uncover the truth about Skid Row, the people, the place, and the politics behind it.

Release Date: July 11 2014
Directed by: Shanks Rajendran
Starring: Lavell Putman http://BestDramaTv.Net


