The 2008 Bilderberg Meeting in Chantilly, VA

  • 16 years ago
The annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group, headed by globalist banker David Rockefeller (above), has been outed by AFP editor Jim Tucker. Check back later for a detailed report on this gathering of shadowy elites.

Bilderberg Confirmed: Westfields Marriott In Chantilly June 5-8
Jim Tucker - "possible" that Athens story was a ruse to misdirect people
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker has confirmed via three separate sources that the Bilderberg Group will meet this year in Chantilly Virginia at the Westfields Marriott hotel from June 5-8. Tucker told The Alex Jones Show that the earlier story claiming Bilderberg had already met in Athens Greece was a possible ruse to misdirect attention from the real scene of the crime.
