• há 8 anos
It is a mantra composed physically of syllables echoed in order to influence the human system, affecting the physical, emotional and mental matter. In a sense each word contained in it is a mantra. The word is very powerful, at all times we witness this in our day to day when we use words to get what we want (and what we do not want). The mighty mantras that have reached the present time along the path of the Vedic tradition were either divinely revealed or heard by the rishis and yogis of time immemorial when they were in transcendental states of consciousness.
Lyrics: Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namá Chiváia
This is the Great Mantra of Salvation and Means:
"I invoke / trust / honor and bow in the light of Lord Shiva"
"Om, bow down before Shiva" or "O my, bow down before my divine Inner Self." The five letters of "Namah Shivaya" signify the Lord's five actions: creation, preservation, destruction, concealment, and blessing; They also mean the five elements and all creation through the combination of them. "Na" denotes the hidden power of the Lord that causes the soul to move through the world, "Mah" is the bond that holds the soul in the wheel of lives and deaths. "Shi" is the symbol of Lord Shiva, "Va" is His grace and "Ya" is the individual soul. If the soul becomes entangled in "Na" and "Mah" it rounds endlessly for worldly things, if it associates with "Va" it goes toward Shiva. "Namah Shivaya" forms the body of Lord Shiva and the mantra prompts "I take refuge in the body of Lord Shiva."

It is used in yogi meditation and its practitioners claim that their japa (mental or verbal repetition of a mantra) that can be done using a japamala, induces deep physical and mental relaxation, and possesses eventual curative effects.

Babaji taught that if people were to constantly repeat the name of the God of one's belief, the lives of men and all beings on the planet could be brought back to a healthier standard and eventually we could expect a future less black than that of mankind Current is generating. There are thousands of testimonials from people reporting the extraordinary effects brought about by the constant use of this mantra.
Source: learn-mikasmi.blogspot
M Namah Shivaya is the central and most important part of an ancient mantra: the original mantra that preceded creation. Babaji said that when Jagadamba, the primeval energy appeared, it was the sound that first came to his lips. "
OM NAMAH SHIVAYA, the maha mantra of Shiva, was the main mantra used by Haidakhand Bhole Baba, is part of the nerve center of his teaching. Babaji extolled his power of purification, enlightenment, immortality, and redemption, taught his indescribable power to destroy obstacles, create joy and happiness, and form a bridge to Shiva. It said its power was greater than that of an atomic bomb. He recommended his constant repetition during meditation, work, rest and even during sleep and dreams. Source: grande grandefraternidadebranca.com.br

É um mantra composto fisicamente de sílabas ecoadas de forma a influenciar o sistema humano, afetando a matéria física, emocional e mental. Em determinado sentido cada palavra contida nele é um mantra. A palavra é muito poderosa, a todo o momento presenciamos isto no nosso dia a dia ao utilizarmos palavras para obtermos o que desejamos (e o que não desejamos). Os poderosos mantras que chegaram aos tempos atuais, pelo caminho da tradição védica, ou foram divinamente revelados, ou foram ouvidos pelos rishis e yogis de tempos imemoriais, quando se encontravam em estados transcendentais de consciência.
Letra: Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namá Chiváia
Este é o Grande Mantra da Salvação e Significa:
“Eu invoco/ confio/ honro e me curvo à luz do Senhor Shiva”
"Om, inclino-me perante Shiva" ou "Ôm, inclino-me perante o meu divino Ser interior". As cinco letras de "Namah Shivaya" significam as cinco ações do Senhor: criação, preservação, destruição, o ato de ocultar e a benção; significam também os cinco elementos e toda a criação através da combinação deles. "Na" denota o poder oculto do Senhor que faz a alma se mover pelo mundo, "Mah" é a amarra que prende a alma na roda das vidas e mortes. "Shi" é o símbolo do Senhor Shiva, "Va" é a Sua graça e "Ya" é a alma individual. Se a alma se enreda em "Na" e "Mah" ela ronda interminavelmente pelas coisas mundanas, se ela se associa com "Va" ela vai em direção a Shiva. "Namah Shivaya" forma o corpo do Senhor Shiva e o mantra propicia que "eu me refugie no corpo do Senhor Shiva"’.

É utilizado na meditação yogui e os seus praticantes afirmam que o seu japa (repetição mental ou verbal de um mantra) que se pode fazer usando um japamala, induz um profundo relaxamento físico e mental, além de possuir eventuais efeitos curativos.


