• 17 years ago
Vidor High School Marching Band Play 'Don't Let the Sun Set on You Nigger'
at the OIL Region
Marching Band Contest Orange, Texas October 16, 2001. From VIDr, TX
Head Band Director: Ronnie Touchstone
Focus to Shift to Hispanics, Asians, Muslims, Gays
City of Vidor, Texas, included an African American child in advertising its public school system, although few black children are in the school district. After a "town meeting" in southeast Texas on racism involving African Americans, CNN announced Tuesday night it would look at the treatment of other groups.
"In the weeks ahead on this show," host Paula Zahn announced, "we are going to broaden our discussion to look at discrimination and intolerance against other groups of people in America, against Hispanics, Muslims, Asians, gays and women. And we would welcome any input you might have into that debate."
