California school swaps bathroom mirrors for positive signs

  • 7 years ago
LAGUNA BEACH, CALIFORNIA — A California high school is bringing on the warm fuzzies, setting up a little restroom intervention to get female students to see themselves in a more positive light.

Being a teenager is already plenty harrowing, but even more so if you’re a girl with body and beauty issues.

Enter Laguna Hills High School student and Kindness Club member Sabrina Astle, who wanted to make a difference on campus and decided it was best to start with the bathrooms.

ABC reports that Astle’s school had a “What if ...” week, with activities meant to bring the campus community closer together. A different message was featured each day, and for March 23, the message was “What if we showed more love?”

In response to this, the 17-year-old made posters bearing signs of affirmation. She then teamed up with her school to take down the mirrors in the girls’ bathroom and replace them with the handwritten posters.

The teen filled the ladies’ with posters, which told them: “you are smart, you are amazing, you are worth it.” The messages ended up brightening the girls’ day and they loved it.

Since the reaction has been positive, there’s no immediate plans to take the posters down. So no mirrors in the foreseeable future to check your makeup, hair or teeth. But hey, the signs say you’re pretty so it’s all good!


