• 8 years ago
The Forest (1982)
R | 1h 25min | Horror | 11 June 1982 (USA)

A cannibal hermit living in the woods preys on campers and hikers for his food supply.

Director: Don Jones

Writer: Don Jones (as Evan Jones)

Stars: Dean Russell, Gary Kent, Tomi Barrett
00:03:10There's something following us.
00:03:12There's nothing out there. It's your imagination.
00:03:14I don't think so.
00:03:16Aren't there supposed to be bears or something around here?
00:03:20Besides, they're more frightened of us than we are of them.
00:03:22Be too sure.
00:03:24Come on, I want to get there before dark.
00:03:26Hey, I've got an idea.
00:03:28I know the way as well as you do.
00:03:30Why not let me go first?
00:03:32If it'll make you feel better, be my guest.
00:03:34It will.
00:03:57Come on, slowpoke.
00:04:54No, please, no.
00:05:02What? Did you say something, honey?
00:06:51The air in the Los Angeles basin is unfit to breathe.
00:06:54Now, let's check the traffic.
00:06:56Hollywood Freeway northbound south of Alvarado
00:06:58on exit in the clearing stages with no details.
00:07:01Ventura Freeway eastbound at Van Nuys off-ramp.
00:07:04An accident working?
00:07:05Use Woodman to get around that problem.
00:07:07San Diego Freeway over the pass is open but moving slowly.
00:07:12Now, let's go downtown and check in
00:07:14with one of the nicest guys in the highway patrol,
00:07:17Officer Ed Giza. Ed?
00:07:19Well, thank you and good afternoon, Harry.
00:07:21And I'm sure glad we're inside and not out on those freeways.
00:07:24It's busy this afternoon.
00:07:26An uninjured accident just reported
00:07:28in San Diego southbound of Barranca.
00:07:30A car and a truck involved in some kind of minor altercation.
00:07:33Once past that problem, though,
00:07:35traffic picks up to 25 miles per hour.
00:07:37And this one just reported westbound Ventura
00:07:39east of White Oak, another fender-bender...
00:07:41Will you get some music on that thing?
00:07:44Freeway has a bad...
00:07:47I can't take this anymore.
00:07:49I've got to get out of here. I'm going nuts.
00:07:51Yeah, I know what you mean.
00:07:53All this smog, this heat.
00:07:55Two hours to go 20 miles. This is ridiculous.
00:07:58Come on, Charlie. Just take it easy.
00:08:00Look at all these clowns. They're all crazy.
00:08:03Hey, I'm surrounded by insanity!
00:08:05You know something, Charlie? I think you need a vacation.
00:08:08Why don't we go camping?
00:08:10I got a place that nobody goes.
00:08:13Why not?
00:08:14Because they don't know about it.
00:08:16Look, I don't know, Steve.
00:08:18No, come on in. Do you some good.
00:08:20Why don't you ask your jailer?
00:08:23Maybe she'll let you go.
00:08:25Yeah, she'll let me go.
00:08:27She'll be glad to get rid of me.
00:08:29Yeah, mine too.
00:08:31You know, we haven't been getting along too well lately.
00:08:34We've been discussing divorce.
00:08:39I'm sorry to hear that, Steve.
00:08:41Yeah. Yeah, me too.
00:08:44Hey, look, I'll tell you what.
00:08:46Why don't you come over to the house tonight
00:08:48and we'll cook up some steaks.
00:08:50What do you say?
00:08:51That sounds good.
00:08:52You bring the steaks?
00:09:08So you guys want to go camping?
00:09:10And without us?
00:09:12Well, we'd invite you alone,
00:09:14but we kind of doubt if you could take it.
00:09:16Well, it just might interest you to know
00:09:18that we could take it a lot better
00:09:20than you two over-the-hill boys.
00:09:22I doubt that.
00:09:23Oh, yeah?
00:09:24Well, as a matter of fact,
00:09:25we were thinking of going camping ourselves.
00:09:30You mean alone?
00:09:32What is so funny about that?
00:09:36It's just that you couldn't do it.
00:09:40The first coyote howling will send you running for home.
00:09:43Is that a fact?
00:09:44That's a fact.
00:09:45Listen, we're not talking about Winnebago camping here.
00:09:49We're talking about roughing it.
00:09:51Yeah, you know, backpacking?
00:09:54Big deal.
00:09:55Yeah, who couldn't do that?
00:09:57You couldn't.
00:09:58Oh, it just might interest you to know
00:10:01that I was backpacking a long time before I met you.
00:10:04Listen, honey, the only backpacking you ever did was in bed.
00:10:08Just what is that supposed to mean?
00:10:11It just means that you couldn't do it.
00:10:15Right, Steve?
00:10:16Whatever you say.
00:10:18What do you know about it?
00:10:20A lot more than you.
00:10:22As I remember, you got us lost many times.
00:10:25Twice, twice.
00:10:27Twice in the same day.
00:10:30Well, I got us there, didn't I?
00:10:33And who fell in the river and almost drowned?
00:10:36I just wanted to go for a swim.
00:10:38With your clothes on?
00:10:44I think I better check on the dinner.
00:10:47Somebody has to.
00:10:52Just when were you men thinking of going camping anyway?
00:10:56Next week, huh, Steve?
00:10:58That's right.
00:10:59Oh, isn't that a coincidence?
00:11:01That's when we were planning to go.
00:11:03Without us?
00:11:04That's right, big mouth.
00:11:06Hey, I got an idea.
00:11:08Why don't we all go camping together?
00:11:11It might even be fun.
00:11:14Not a chance.
00:11:15I am not going camping with him.
00:11:17Why not?
00:11:18Because he's a male chauvinist.
00:11:22And proud of it.
00:11:24Now, listen, all kidding aside,
00:11:26this could be very dangerous by yourself.
00:11:29Typical male trick.
00:11:32You know, whenever you guys don't want us
00:11:34to go somewhere or do something,
00:11:36you always say it might be dangerous or risky,
00:11:38just like there are bears or wolves or rapists out there.
00:11:43Yes, rapists.
00:11:45You see, they sneak up behind you.
00:11:48They grab you and drag you into the woods.
00:11:51And then they have their way with you.
00:11:53More than you're gonna have.
00:11:55Get your hands off of me.
00:11:58Anyway, it's out of the question.
00:12:02Come on.
00:12:14Come on, I really don't want you to go alone.
00:12:16I am not going alone.
00:12:18I'm going with Sharon.
00:12:19You know what I mean.
00:12:24Look, we'll be all right.
00:12:26Besides, you guys are coming up next week anyway.
00:12:29What if you get lost or hurt?
00:12:31We won't.
00:12:35Besides, Sharon has been up there a lot of times.
00:12:38Just a couple.
00:12:40Now, why don't you wait a few days for us?
00:12:43I can't.
00:12:45Why not?
00:12:47I don't know.
00:12:49I guess I have something to prove.
00:13:01You do know where we're going to be, don't you?
00:13:04The place we always used to go.
00:13:06Our own special little spot.
00:13:09Why don't you come up tonight?
00:13:12Be like old times.
00:13:15When we were happy.
00:13:18Do you really think so?
00:13:22Worth a try.
00:13:24I'm not sure.
00:13:26Do you really think so?
00:13:30Worth a try.
00:13:32Honey, it's worth more than that.
00:13:34We'll be up tonight.
00:13:36You can bet on that.
00:13:40Well, guess it's time to go.
00:13:42Guess so.
00:13:44Remember, tonight.
00:13:47You promise.
00:13:50I love you.
00:13:52Honey, I love you.
00:13:54We're going to be there.
00:14:19You sure you know where they're going?
00:14:22Let's get started.
00:14:23I'm almost packed.
00:14:25Pick me up in ten minutes.
00:14:35Teddy, why didn't we wait for them?
00:14:38I'm not sure.
00:14:40I think it had something to do with that arrogant macho attitude of his.
00:14:44I see.
00:14:46As compared to our independent, self-sufficient one.
00:14:49I guess that's about it.
00:14:51Well, I hope you know what you're doing.
00:14:53Me too.
00:14:57Hey! Hey!
00:15:21Have you ever really been backpacking?
00:15:26But it's easy.
00:15:28It is?
00:15:29How do you know?
00:15:30I read the book.
00:15:32Have you?
00:15:34What, read the book?
00:15:37Been camping.
00:15:39Only with Steve.
00:15:42Well, another three hours, we can lose this freeway.
00:15:45I can't wait.
00:15:46I've seen enough freeways to last a lifetime.
00:15:48Yeah, I know what you mean.
00:15:51Shit, look at that, Steve.
00:15:53Oh, hell.
00:15:54I think you need some water.
00:15:56I better get off at the next exit.
00:15:58Yeah, okay.
00:16:00Damn it!
00:16:05You do know exactly where we're going, don't you?
00:16:07I think so.
00:16:09More important, do they know where we're going to be?
00:16:11I certainly hope so.
00:16:13You think they'll come up tonight?
00:16:15They better.
00:16:16I thought we were going to go it alone.
00:16:19Next time.
00:17:08Something went through the radiator, all right.
00:17:10And how much is that going to cost?
00:17:12And how long to fix?
00:17:14Not too long.
00:17:16Not too much.
00:17:44You sure about this?
00:17:46Sure I'm sure.
00:17:48Let's go.
00:18:02It's beautiful out here.
00:18:10There's usually other cars around here.
00:18:13Other hikers.
00:18:15I wonder why.
00:18:17What does it matter?
00:18:19More room for us.
00:18:21Come on, Sharon.
00:18:23It's going to be fun.
00:18:28Looking for somebody?
00:18:30Only Steve.
00:18:32Maybe they decided not to come up until tomorrow.
00:18:34Don't say that.
00:18:36Anyway, let's get started.
00:18:38Run with the gear.
00:18:47You believe that?
00:18:49140 bucks to plug a stinking radiator?
00:18:52And four hours to fix it?
00:19:47Come on, Sharon.
00:20:17Come on.
00:20:41Are you sure this is the way?
00:20:44Pretty sure.
00:20:47How much further is it?
00:20:49I don't know.
00:20:51A couple hours.
00:20:55Whose dumb idea was this anyway?
00:20:58I wonder.
00:21:17Come on, Sharon.
00:21:19Let's go.
00:21:47Come on.
00:22:09Oh, no.
00:22:11It's not going to rain, is it?
00:22:13Put up a tent.
00:22:15Where is it?
00:22:17I think you've got it.
00:22:21Well, there it is.
00:22:27It's going to rain before we can do this.
00:22:43Come on.
00:23:13Oh, shit.
00:23:15The sun's almost down.
00:23:17Hey, don't worry. They'll be all right.
00:23:19Yeah, I hope so.
00:23:23You know, it looks like rain, too.
00:23:25You kidding me? It never rains in California.
00:23:27Yeah, maybe not.
00:23:29But I'll tell you one thing.
00:23:31It's going to be dark in about an hour.
00:23:33Yeah, I know.
00:23:35Say, you know how to get to this place at night?
00:23:37I don't know. I'm going to give it my best shot.
00:23:39Which way do you suggest?
00:23:41Why don't you try following me?
00:23:43All right.
00:23:56You boys going back in there tonight?
00:23:58Yeah, why?
00:24:00It's kind of late, ain't it?
00:24:02Yeah, a little.
00:24:04You know where you're going?
00:24:06Yeah. I hope so.
00:24:08Well, be careful.
00:24:10You know, over the years, there's been some people
00:24:12who ain't come back from in there.
00:24:14Why not?
00:24:16Who knows? Fell off a cliff, drowned.
00:24:18The only strange thing is, they're still missing.
00:24:20We never even found their bodies.
00:24:22That's pretty weird, isn't it?
00:24:24How long will you be gone?
00:24:26I don't know. Five, six days?
00:24:30We like to know these things.
00:24:32I'll check back in a week.
00:24:34You boys have a good time.
00:24:36Oh, say, listen, you didn't happen to see the owner of that car, did you?
00:24:40Nope. Just got here myself.
00:24:42Be careful.
00:24:44Yeah. Thank you.
00:24:52There's nothing to fear
00:24:55Is there any?
00:24:59People do disappear
00:25:01But where do they hide?
00:25:04In the dark side of the forest
00:25:10Now don't you get lost
00:25:13Keep watch
00:25:18You'll have to pay the cost
00:25:20Because many have died
00:25:23In the dark side of the forest
00:25:26Hey, watch it!
00:25:28Oops. Sorry, boss.
00:25:30Where do you go and come again?
00:25:33I don't know.
00:25:35Are you coming?
00:25:37I just never leave
00:25:39For what you do
00:25:41Oh, you give your eye over you
00:25:45In the dark side
00:25:47In the dark side
00:25:49This doesn't look like any damn trail to me.
00:25:51Yeah. Well, you want to leave?
00:25:53Come on. It's getting late.
00:25:55Ah, shit.
00:25:57In the dark side
00:25:59Of the forest
00:26:06Hey, hey. Are you sure?
00:26:08Look, I know I've seen this place a hundred times already.
00:26:10Look, what do you want from me?
00:26:12It was your damn car that died.
00:26:14I know. I know.
00:26:16And besides, whose idea was it for this stupid camping trip anyway?
00:26:18All right. All right.
00:26:20All right. All right. You're sweet on, Daniel Boone.
00:26:29You know, this isn't half bad.
00:26:32Yeah. But I wish Steve and Charlie were here.
00:26:35Who needs them?
00:26:37I do.
00:26:45I do.
00:26:47It's getting scary out here.
00:27:17I think she's pretty.
00:27:19You think everything's pretty.
00:27:25Well, she looks like Kendra.
00:27:27Who's that?
00:27:29You never knew her.
00:27:31I knew all your friends.
00:27:33Not this one. She was from before.
00:27:37You know, last time.
00:27:51Hey, hey.
00:27:55I'm bored.
00:27:57Let's go.
00:27:59I want to stay here.
00:28:01I'll stay, too.
00:28:05I'll stay, too.
00:28:17I wish the men were here.
00:28:21I hate to admit it, but me, too.
00:28:31Mother, I told you we'd better go.
00:28:33Don't go. My sisters will be beaten.
00:28:36Have you seen my children?
00:28:45Have you seen them?
00:28:47Send them home.
00:28:49They must be punished.
00:28:57What the hell was that?
00:28:59I don't know.
00:29:01But I am getting the hell out of here.
00:29:06What are we going to do?
00:29:08Get the knife.
00:29:46Well, how much further?
00:29:48Oh, I don't know, Charlie.
00:29:50I think we're lost.
00:29:52Come on, Steve. How can you be lost?
00:29:54Well, things look different at night, all right?
00:29:59Let's go this way.
00:30:22Where have you been?
00:30:26Playing in the yard?
00:30:30Your mother was looking for you?
00:30:33We saw her.
00:30:36And two pretty ladies.
00:30:38You promised you would tell.
00:30:40What? Where did you see them?
00:30:43You promised.
00:30:45Down by the river.
00:30:52Daddy's going hunting.
00:30:56Come, we must warn him.
00:31:22Come on.
00:31:52We must hide. Daddy's coming.
00:31:56What is the matter?
00:31:58I just saw two children.
00:32:00One had a knife in her hand.
00:32:04It was the two children that woman was looking for.
00:32:09There's nobody out there.
00:32:11They were here, I'm telling you.
00:32:13I don't know.
00:32:15I don't know.
00:32:17I don't know.
00:32:19I don't know.
00:32:21I'm telling you.
00:32:23Maybe we're dreaming.
00:32:25It was no dream.
00:32:27It was them.
00:32:30Daddy's coming.
00:32:32Daddy's coming.
00:32:34What does that mean?
00:32:36I don't know, but I'm going to do it.
00:32:38Do what?
00:32:40Get a hold of yourself.
00:32:42It's only a dream.
00:32:44There was no dream.
00:32:46Look at me, Sharon, look at me.
00:32:48We've got to hide.
00:34:47Please, please leave me alone.
00:34:49I don't want to hurt you.
00:34:51But I'm starving to death.
00:34:53I haven't had anything to eat for days.
00:34:56Stay away from me!
00:34:58Stay away from me!
00:35:03I'll make this quick.
00:35:05I promise.
00:35:07Stay away from me!
00:35:09What did you do that for?
00:35:19What did you do that for?
00:35:34Help me.
00:35:49Help me.
00:36:19Help me.
00:36:49Help me.
00:36:51Help me.
00:37:19Help me.
00:37:49Help me.
00:38:19Help me.
00:38:41Okay, Steve, where the hell are we now?
00:38:44Well, you see, Charlie,
00:38:46we're going to the campsite, how's that?
00:38:52Shit, now what?
00:38:54I don't know, I guess we'd better move on.
00:38:56Come on.
00:39:04Hey, what do you think?
00:39:07At least it's dry.
00:39:09Maybe we ought to hole up here until morning.
00:39:11Maybe you're right.
00:39:13Come on, you think you can find your way tomorrow?
00:39:16It's a hell of a lot better than tonight.
00:39:18Come on.
00:39:34Hey, it's kind of spooky in here, huh?
00:39:37Hey, Charlie, what the hell do you make of that?
00:39:41It looks like a light.
00:39:43Yeah, it sure does.
00:39:45But that doesn't make any sense.
00:39:47You said nothing about this trip makes any sense.
00:39:49Come on, let's see where it comes from.
00:39:51Wait a minute, that's not a good idea.
00:39:53Why not?
00:39:55It's probably just a couple of campers
00:39:57caught in the rain like us.
00:39:59Whatever you say, Steve.
00:40:01Go ahead, lead on.
00:40:03You've been doing pretty good so far.
00:40:15What do you think of this?
00:40:17It don't look like campers, does it?
00:40:19You admit that?
00:40:21What do you think?
00:40:23Should we knock?
00:40:25Maybe nobody's home, huh?
00:40:27No, no, no, hold it.
00:40:29There's something cooking on the stove over there.
00:40:31It sure smells funny.
00:40:33I wonder what it is.
00:40:35Beats me.
00:40:37You're the cook.
00:40:39Only since I married Teddy.
00:40:41You should be here.
00:40:43I'm hungry.
00:40:45Oh, well, we just wanted to come in out of the rain, that's all.
00:40:47Where is your father?
00:40:49Standing behind you.
00:41:03It's kind of wet out there.
00:41:05Yes, it is.
00:41:07I was just fixing myself something to eat.
00:41:09Would you care to join me?
00:41:11No, thanks, nothing for me.
00:41:13What about you, Charlie?
00:41:15Sure, why not?
00:41:17Oh, say, what about the kids?
00:41:19What kids?
00:41:21The two kids over...
00:41:25Where'd they go?
00:41:27I don't know.
00:41:31Are they yours?
00:41:35They were mine.
00:41:59I would offer you a chair, but...
00:42:01I seldom have visitors.
00:42:03Well, that's okay.
00:42:05We'll just sit on the ground.
00:42:11Come on.
00:42:35You've been here?
00:42:45Well, what about the children?
00:42:49They only come to visit.
00:42:51But I thought they were yours.
00:42:55They stay with their mother.
00:42:59Have you been living here long?
00:43:01Have you been living here long?
00:43:09At least longer than I wanted to.
00:43:17If you have a knife, you can join me.
00:43:21Oh, no, thanks.
00:43:23I'm not hungry.
00:43:25If you don't have a knife, you can use mine.
00:43:27Oh, no, it's not that.
00:43:29I have a knife.
00:43:31I'm just not hungry.
00:43:33What about you, Charlie?
00:43:35Just a little piece.
00:43:37If you don't mind.
00:43:39If you don't mind.
00:43:57It's pretty good.
00:43:59What is it?
00:44:01It's a doughnut.
00:44:03A little old, but tasty.
00:44:05Aren't they out of season?
00:44:09They're always in season when you're hungry.
00:44:19Charlie, what's the matter?
00:44:27I just got a chill.
00:44:35I just got a chill.
00:45:01How'd you come to be living here?
00:45:05That's a long story.
00:45:11I'd like to tell somebody, though.
00:45:13Would you listen?
00:45:17Sure, why not?
00:45:19We don't have anything else to do.
00:45:24It all happened a long time ago.
00:45:28Or at least I think it was a long time ago.
00:45:30Are either of you married?
00:45:34We both are.
00:45:36I used to be married.
00:45:40Had a wife and two kids.
00:45:42I was a happy man.
00:45:46Or at least I thought I was.
00:45:48And then everything changed.
00:45:52It seemed every time I came home, there'd be somebody there.
00:45:54A salesman.
00:45:56A repairman.
00:46:02Sometimes it was even delivery boys.
00:46:06I didn't think too much about it at first.
00:46:10Then one day I got sick and I came home early.
00:46:12I didn't think too much about it at first.
00:46:16Then one day I got sick and I came home early.
00:46:44It's only my husband, Mom.
00:46:54Hi, honey.
00:46:56What are you doing home from work so early?
00:47:00I'm not feeling well.
00:47:02You're not feeling well?
00:47:04I'm not feeling well.
00:47:06You're not feeling well?
00:47:10I suppose you're wondering who this is.
00:47:12I suppose you're wondering who this is.
00:47:14This is Carl.
00:47:16He's come to fix the water heater.
00:47:18He's come to fix the water heater.
00:47:26Where are the kids?
00:47:28Where are the kids?
00:47:40Why did you do this?
00:47:42Why did you do this?
00:47:44They like to play in there.
00:47:46They like to play in there.
00:47:48You children run out in the yard and play, okay?
00:47:50You children run out in the yard and play, okay?
00:47:52Yeah, well, I better go along then to fix the water heater.
00:47:54Yeah, well, I better go along then to fix the water heater.
00:48:02What did you expect me to do?
00:48:04What did you expect me to do?
00:48:06You're practically impotent.
00:48:08You're practically impotent.
00:48:10I'm only surprised you didn't figure it out long ago.
00:48:12I'm only surprised you didn't figure it out long ago.
00:48:14All those men.
00:48:16All those men.
00:48:18They weren't here on business.
00:48:20They were my lovers.
00:48:22They were my lovers.
00:48:24They gave me something you never could.
00:48:26They gave me something you never could.
00:48:36Well, then what happened?
00:48:38What'd you do?
00:48:46I did what any man would have done.
00:48:48I did what any man would have done.
00:49:02I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:18I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:20I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:22I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:24I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:26I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:28I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:30I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:32I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:34I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:36I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:38I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:40I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:42I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:44I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:47I didn't do anything at all.
00:49:49I didn't do anything at all.
00:50:09John, stop it!
00:50:13You're hurting me!
00:53:07It had to be done.
00:53:17There was no other way.
00:53:30What do you think about this old guy?
00:53:32I don't know.
00:53:34Hey, do you believe that story of his?
00:53:37Nah, I think he's making it up.
00:53:39I'm not so sure.
00:53:41I'll tell you one thing, though, if it is true,
00:53:43I don't believe he did nothing.
00:53:46What do you think he did?
00:53:48Well, what do you think?
00:53:50Living here alone?
00:53:52Shit, are you serious?
00:53:54Ah, I don't know.
00:53:56Probably not.
00:53:58Let's get some sleep.
00:54:00Are you kidding?
00:54:02Are you kidding?
00:54:04I'm not going to sleep.
00:54:05What if he is a murderer?
00:54:11Come on, Steve, don't go to sleep.
00:54:13Don't worry, I doubt if I can.
00:54:19But what do you think we should do?
00:54:29Stay here, what else can we do?
00:54:31But I'm sure not going to sleep.
00:54:34All right, let's take turns.
00:54:37You sleep first.
00:54:39But why me?
00:54:40Why not?
00:54:41I'm not tired.
00:54:43All right, then I'll sleep first.
00:54:45All right.
00:55:16Good morning.
00:55:18Good morning.
00:55:20I thought you would like to be late.
00:55:22Yes, yes, we would.
00:55:24Thank you very much.
00:55:25I really appreciate it.
00:55:29Wake up.
00:55:31I thought you said you were going to stay awake.
00:55:35Come on, wake up.
00:55:37Wake up.
00:55:38Wake up.
00:55:39Wake up.
00:55:41Wake up.
00:55:42Wake up.
00:55:44Come on, let's get out of here.
00:56:05What do you say, Captain?
00:56:06Can you find a way?
00:56:07Piece of cake, my boy.
00:56:09Piece of cake.
00:56:10Come on.
00:56:13Come on.
00:56:34I wonder what the hell it can be.
00:56:36Fishing, hiking, look, I don't know.
00:56:38I don't like the looks of this.
00:56:39You know, first those two little kids, then that old man,
00:56:41and now an empty campsite.
00:56:43Are you sure this is the place?
00:56:45Charlie, of course I'm sure it's the site.
00:56:47Look, this is their tent, it's their sleeping bag.
00:56:52All right, look, I got a light.
00:56:54Let's look down the river, okay?
00:56:56You take it up, I'll go down.
00:56:58All right.
00:56:59Hey, Charlie, I'll meet you back here in an hour.
00:57:11All right.
00:58:28Hey, are you looking?
00:58:29No, Charlie, nothing.
00:58:32What do you think, Steve?
00:58:34I'd rather go back to the campsite and see if the girls are there.
00:58:37If not, you know something, I think we ought to ask that old man.
00:58:40That's a good idea. Come on, let's go.
00:59:11Hey, Charlie, come here a minute.
00:59:17Okay, tell me, what do you make of that?
00:59:21It's wet dirt.
00:59:23Sometimes they call it mud.
00:59:25Yeah, I guess you're right.
00:59:28You know, it's real strange, though.
00:59:30It's really sticky.
00:59:35Come on, let's go see that old man.
00:59:38Come on, let's go see that old man.
00:59:40I got a feeling about him.
01:00:01Is that here?
01:00:03I guess not.
01:00:04You know something, Charlie?
01:00:06I don't like the feel of this at all.
01:00:08Me neither.
01:00:09Come on, let's get out of here.
01:00:11All right.
01:00:33Please don't hurt me.
01:00:35Don't hurt me.
01:00:38We don't want to hurt you.
01:00:40We just want to be your friends.
01:00:42You've come too long here.
01:00:44Warn me?
01:00:45Daddy's going hunting again.
01:00:47Please help me.
01:00:49Then you must hide.
01:00:51Daddy will soon be here.
01:00:53He knows where you are.
01:00:58Here he comes now.
01:01:00Run and hide over there. There are some large rocks and caves.
01:01:04Or Daddy will eat you.
01:02:03All right, now.
01:02:04I think it's time we went for the authorities.
01:02:06Come on, Steve.
01:02:08We may be jumping to conclusions.
01:02:10After all, we know they're out walking.
01:02:12Oh, come on.
01:02:13You don't really believe that.
01:02:14I don't know what to believe.
01:02:16All I know is it's a six-hour hike back to the car.
01:02:18Now, what do you want me to say?
01:02:20That I can't go to the police.
01:02:22I can't go to the police.
01:02:23I've got a gun.
01:02:24I've got a gun.
01:02:25I've got a gun.
01:02:26I've got a gun.
01:02:27We don't have a gun.
01:02:28We don't have a gun.
01:02:29I'm going back to the car.
01:02:31Now, what is that supposed to mean?
01:02:32Look, it means we won't be able to get there
01:02:34till after dark.
01:02:35So what?
01:02:37Remember how we got lost on the way in?
01:02:40Are you saying we're supposed to just stay here?
01:02:43Look, I don't know what I'm saying.
01:02:48Look, Steve, there's probably nothing wrong.
01:02:51They're probably out there hiking or...
01:02:54Or what?
01:02:56Or what?
01:02:58Or what?
01:03:02That's what worries me.
01:03:05All right, then I think we ought to go back.
01:03:07And what if the girls show up?
01:03:09Are we to leave them here alone again?
01:03:11So are we supposed to stay here and do nothing?
01:03:15Hey, Charlie, look.
01:03:17Look, I'm sorry, all right?
01:03:21Well, what do you suggest?
01:03:27One goes and one stays.
01:03:29No, no, look, I don't know about splitting up.
01:03:31That's usually not a good idea.
01:03:33Well, this is an unusual situation.
01:03:37All right, then.
01:03:39Who goes and who stays?
01:03:41Well, obviously, you've got to go.
01:03:43You're the only one that knows his way back to the car.
01:03:53Okay, Charlie, look.
01:03:55Let's take one more quick look around the campsite.
01:03:58If we're still in the same situation, then...
01:04:01All right, I'll go.
01:04:05I don't know what else to do.
01:04:25I don't know what else to do.
01:04:52Say, why don't you leave that here? You won't need it.
01:04:54Maybe not, but I'd feel better with it than without it.
01:04:57I guess you know best.
01:04:59Now, be careful, will you?
01:05:00Hey, you too.
01:05:02Now, look, don't you fall asleep again, all right?
01:05:05I couldn't fall asleep if my life depended on it.
01:05:08Yeah, well, I hope it doesn't.
01:05:10I'll see you later.
01:05:12Take care of yourself.
01:05:14Hey, hurry up, will you?
01:05:15Hey, you got your knife?
01:05:16You better believe it.
01:06:43I feel sorry for him.
01:06:45Me too.
01:07:00Oh, my God.
01:07:25Who are you?
01:07:27I'm John Jr.
01:07:28And I'm Jennifer.
01:07:30We were named after our parents.
01:07:32I mean, where do you come from?
01:07:35We stay here.
01:07:36Here where?
01:07:38Just here, in the woods.
01:07:41By yourself?
01:07:42Mostly, but sometimes we visit our father.
01:07:46Where's your mother?
01:07:48We don't like her.
01:07:50She was mean.
01:07:53She did.
01:07:55Daddy killed her.
01:07:56Killed her?
01:08:00Because she was a bad mom.
01:08:02She used to beat us and lock us in the closet.
01:08:05Even now she's trying to punish us.
01:08:07She keeps looking for us.
01:08:09And we always hide.
01:08:12Are both of you dead as well?
01:08:15Yes, of course.
01:08:20It's okay.
01:08:22He's better than being alive.
01:08:24Being alive is so sad.
01:08:27How did you die?
01:08:29We killed ourselves.
01:08:31Killed yourselves?
01:08:34Oh, my God.
01:08:36We were so unhappy.
01:08:38Living alone in the cave with Daddy.
01:08:41Then we got sick and didn't want to live anymore.
01:08:44So we died.
01:08:46How horrible your life must have been.
01:08:49Daddy was very sad when we died.
01:08:52He was crazy.
01:08:54Been crazy ever since.
01:08:59Maybe next time things will be better.
01:09:02Next time.
01:09:04I'm sorry.
01:09:14I'm so sorry.
01:09:35Oh, we've got to tell you something.
01:09:38Something important.
01:09:41What? What is it?
01:09:43There are two men looking for you.
01:09:45And one's hurt.
01:09:47Hurt? Who's hurt? Where are they?
01:09:50One's at the campsite.
01:09:52And the other one fell down a hill and can't walk.
01:09:55Which one's where?
01:09:57You don't know?
01:09:59Can you tell me?
01:10:01You don't know?
01:10:03Can you take me to the camp?
01:10:05Don't you know where it is?
01:10:07I'm lost.
01:10:08We'll show you. Follow me.
01:12:07If she sees us, we'll get beaten.
01:12:13We must go. Goodbye.
01:12:16No, don't go. Please.
01:12:22How can she hurt you if you're dead?
01:12:25Have you seen my children?
01:12:35What children?
01:12:37When you see them, send them home.
01:12:41They are naughty and must be punished.
01:13:53Are you crazy?
01:13:55Of course I'm crazy.
01:13:57We're all crazy.
01:13:59Winter is coming. I have to eat.
01:14:03It was a dough, a little old, but tasty.
01:14:27Come on.
01:14:57Come on.
01:15:28Another one.
01:15:30Another one? Who? Where?
01:15:32At the camp site.
01:15:34Daddy almost lost it. It was his toughest one.
01:15:37Take me there, quickly.
01:15:39Okay, follow us.
01:15:57Come on.
01:16:13Come on.
01:16:15My God.
01:16:19It's Charlie.
01:16:45Why, please, Heather.
01:16:47There are worse things than being dead.
01:16:49We're dead and we're okay.
01:16:52But I don't want to die.
01:16:54Please, help me.
01:16:56Oh, no.
01:16:58Daddy, no.
01:17:00She's my friend from before.
01:17:02That doesn't matter.
01:17:04But she doesn't want to die.
01:17:06They never do.
01:17:08If you have to die, you have to die.
01:17:11She doesn't want to die.
01:17:13They never do.
01:17:15If you have her, we'll go without you.
01:17:17You mean it, Daddy.
01:17:21Don't threaten your father that way.
01:17:24You're not a father anymore.
01:17:26Remember, we're dead.
01:17:28Now you're not a god.
01:17:30You'll be alone here, forever.
01:17:34I wish your mother was here.
01:17:42The other one. Where's the other one?
01:17:45The one that was hurt.
01:17:47Oh, he's a little creepy.
01:17:49I've had a snake.
01:17:50Can you take me there?
01:17:53Then let's go.
01:18:11Let's go.
01:18:42Damn it.
01:18:44Damn it.
01:19:11Come on.
01:19:41Come on.
01:20:41Come on.
01:21:35Honey. Honey.
01:21:37Honey, are you all right?
01:21:41I didn't think I'd ever see you again.
01:21:48They're those kids again.
01:21:54We've come to say goodbye.
01:21:57Where are you going?
01:21:59We don't know yet.
01:22:02We're only waiting for Daddy.
01:22:06But isn't that Daddy?
01:22:08That's him.
01:22:10Oh, my God, Sharon.
01:22:12Sharon, where's Charlie?
01:22:14Oh, God.
01:22:18How about Teddy?
01:22:24Mother's coming, John.
01:22:26We must go now.
01:22:28She's not allowed to join us yet.
01:22:30Why not?
01:22:31We don't know.
01:22:33But I think we will.
01:22:35Not too soon, I hope.
01:23:00What do you want?
01:23:02My children.
01:23:03They're gone.
01:23:04For good.
01:23:07I don't believe you.
01:23:10Nevertheless, they aren't here.
01:23:36On a road to the edge of forever
01:23:42Where good and evil come together
01:23:47Follow the sun to where the shadows burn
01:23:53Heaven and hell each take their turn
01:23:59On a road to the edge of forever
01:24:11Light and dark change mystically
01:24:17On the rim of eternity
01:24:23Life and death have their hands on the switch
01:24:29Who is what?
01:24:32Which is which?
01:24:35Day and night turn inside out
01:24:40And in the chaos the demons shout
01:24:48On a road to the edge of forever
01:24:54Where good and evil come together
01:25:00Follow the sun to where the shadows burn
01:25:06Heaven and hell each take their turn
01:25:12On a road to the edge of forever
