WATCH: Insane Kayleigh McEnany goes SJW CRAZY on Amanda Carpenter over Ivanka’s new gig

  • 7 years ago
In an insane segment on CNN, Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany had to get personal with Amanda Carpenter because she had absolutely no defense of el Presidente Trumpo hiring on his unqualified daughter to his cabinet.

She just spouts the same old tired Trump lines, and uses personal attacks. She literally says women shouldn’t go after other women because it’s a disservice to “feminism”!! I mean, c’mon that’s kinda pathetic, argue your point if you have one, don’t appeal to some social justice crap.

That’s the most ironic part of the more rabid Trump cultists like McEnany – they scream “snowflake” at liberals, and then turn into the most sensitive touchy-feely losers at the drop of a hat.