TCA Cross / Acne Scar Treatment Beverly Hills, CA / Asian Skin / Chemical Peel For Acne http://BestDramaTv.Net

  • 7 yıl önce
Dr. Jason Emer, a facial rejuvenation and body contouring expert from Beverly Hills/Los Angeles, CA, demonstrates the TCA cross technique for acne scars in an Asian patient. Acne scars require a combination approach of lasers or radiofrequency devices like Fraxel and Venus Viva or Skinfinity; subcision;TCA cross; punch excision; fillers; microneedling; and/or platelet rich plasma (PRP).

TCA cross is a technique by which a small amount of a strong chemical is placed deep in ice pick or pox scar to cause the scar to cave in on itself and form new collagen. The result, is a much more even skin texture with less noticeable deep scars.

See him treat an asian patient with severe ice pick scars. Dr. Jason Emer combines lasers with microneedling, TCA cross, and fillers like Bellafill (FDA approved for acne scars) on the same treatment to get a combined, enhanced result. Precise technique and skill is needed for the TCA cross procedure to ensure no scarring, pigmentation changes or worsening of the scars.

If you are considering treatments by Dr. Jason Emer please visit his website at or check out his other social media sites -- facebook, twitter, and instagram (@jasonemermd). Also see his fantastic reviews on and/or http://BestDramaTv.Net