• 8 years ago
The Abundance Code is a 90-minute documentary featuring 17 of the world's top thought leaders in the field of abundance, including John Demartini, John Assaraf, Jeff Walker, Bill O'Hanlon, Julie Ann Cairns, and many more. The documentary is based on a mission to help everyone understand how to unlock their own potential, power, and journey to abundance.

The film covers

Where scarcity thinking comes from and why it's been instilled in us by society from a young age
How to overcome the fear-based belief that there's not enough to go around, and that we must compete for resources
How collaboration and connection are the true keys to our abundant evolution
How shifting our focus away from "what can I get?" and instead towards "how can I help?" is the fundamental shift that allows the energy of abundance to activate
How learning to amplify the give and receive cycle unlocks an unstoppable flow of abundance in our lives
The three keys lessons from the film are

Abundance is a state of being not a state of having. The state of having flows like a natural conclusion once the state of abundant being becomes a living, breathing way of interacting with the world
Abundance is something we do together. No one is an island. We are part of an inter-connected and integrated whole, and an abundant system is like a thriving ecosystem.
Abundance is created in our lives when we place a high value on being of service in everything that we do.
