This Veteran Is Spreading Patriotism Through American Flag Art

  • 7 years ago
In October 2015, Brian Steorts created Flags of Valor, a veteran owned and operated business that creates wooden American flag artwork. Having all served in combat, Brian and his team (many of which were injured in combat although Brian had a non combat injury) are creating these flags with a different perspective on what it means to be American.

Flags of Valor is spreading patriotism and American values with the work they do. They not only sell these flags, but they are donating them to the families of fallen heroes. "There's a lot of pride in what we're doing," says Travis Pennell, Operations Manager.

Flags of Valor began when owner Brian wanted to purchase an American flag made out of wood. Once realizing he couldn't buy one that was made in the United States, he started making them himself and with the help of fellow combat veterans. "Art is very therapeutic so I wanted to hire combat veterans to create the art, so they can have an environment they can thrive in." says Brian.

Philip Heck, Director of Special Projects says "The flag means a lot to me. Being able to put my heart and soul into making these flags with a team of people who the flag means just as much to is why I do this."