• 8 years ago
How to Feed and Care for Orphaned Kittens?

Here are some tips to help you raise your orphaned kittens:

1. Make a nest.

2. Use an eyedropper or a syringe to feed the kittens.

3. Feed the kittens KMR or kitty formula that you have mixed yourself.

4. Feed your kittens on a regular schedule three times a day.

5. Groom your kittens with a warm, wet washcloth and help them to empty their bladders and their bowels.

6. Provide a litter pan when they’re four weeks old.

7. Start feeding solid food when the kittens are about six weeks old.

Be prepared to be surprised and amazed:

Kittens grow very quickly, and on some days, you will think they are growing right before your very eyes.

Kittens get their eyes open when they’re about 10 days old.

They will start purring when they are as young as 6 days old.

Kittens will start other “kitty behaviors” such as shaking their heads, attempting to groom and lifting a hind food to scratch behind their ears when they are between two to three weeks old.

Young kittens will sometimes get the hiccups (!) while you are feeding them.

Young kittens are like baby humans, in a way. Their days consist of eating, sleeping and emptying their bowels and bladders. After the kittens have gotten enough to eat and have had their bodily functions taken care of, when you put them back in the “nest,” they will sleep or rest quietly until you are ready to feed them again. If they are restless and crying and meowing, they might need a little more to eat, or they might have to empty their bladders or move their bowels, or they might feel cold.

As the kittens grow older, they will be awake for longer periods of time and will eventually start playing with each other.

By the time the kittens are four weeks old, you will most likely have to move them into a bigger box, if not sooner, because the first one will be too small and they will know how to get out on their own!


