Sacha Imam Mehdi Kaun? Syedna Gohar Shahi Ya Mirza Ghulam Ahmed?



His Holiness Younus AlGohar answers a question from a member of the Ahmadiyyah community, who asked why Imam Mehdi is His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi rather than Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani (the leader of the Ahmadiyyah community).

Main points:

- Before talking about Imam Mehdi, it is important to look at the different ranks from God, and which ranks are necessary to announce. Prophethood and Messengerhood are announced per the divine law; the Grand Messengers were required from God, upon their entry at the age of 40, to disclose to the public their office. Prophets would have to as well. Saints are meant to hide their office from the common people.

- Imam Mehdi is not a saint or prophet. Sainthood will end with Imam Mehdi just like prophethood ended with Prophet Mohammad. Technically speaking, since he is not a prophet or a Messenger, Imam Mehdi is not obliged to announce his rank of being Imam Mehdi. Prophetic Traditions also note that Imam Mehdi will not announce his Mehdihood. It is Imam Mehdi’s choice whether he announces his rank or not.

- Imam Mehdi has come for the entire humanity. Prophets and Messengers had to announce their rank so no one in their nation would be deprived. Their faith would be dependant on that prophet or Messenger. Here, it is not just a nation but rather the entire humanity; the one who is to guide them is neither a prophet nor Messenger, and nor does he have to announce his rank. Imam Mehdi’s job is harder than all the jobs of the prophets and messengers. To tell the entire mankind who Imam Mehdi is, is half the duty of God and half the duty of those who received benevolence from Imam Mehdi. There are God’s signs announcing who Imam Mehdi is on the Moon, Sun, Holy Black Stone in Mecca (and various other celestial and terrestrial bodies), through which people will recognise him. However, there also has to be someone to tell people about the divine signs so that they take notice.

- If someone makes a false claim that affects people’s faith in Imam Mehdi, they have to be investigated. When those trained by Imam Mehdi tell the world the truth, they will also have the power to reveal this truth on humanity. Imam Mehdi’s primary objective: to connect humanity to God regardless of their religion. No religion is greater than God.

- The verse in the Koran in which God said that Jesus was neither killed nor crucified is one of the verses known as as Nas (there is no ambiguity in its meaning). Some verses of the Koran are confusing, however this particular verse is not one of them. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani claimed to be both Imam Mehdi and Jesus; therefore to support this false claim, his followers modified the meaning of the aforementioned verse of the Koran. It is against the divine law for two souls to stay in one body, therefore Jesus’s soul could not have entered Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani’s body. False claimants of the office of Mehdihood follow in the footsteps of the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).

- Prophet Mohammad is the last Prophet and Messenger, but that doesn’t mean Islam is the last religion. The Koran directs Prophet Mohammad towards Deen-e-Hanif, the religion to be established in the future. Imam Mehdi will establish the religion which is older than Islam and other religions. There existed the Kalima-e-Sabqat (Foremost Declaration of Faith). This religion and declaration of faith are as ancient as God himself. This religion is the Religion of God: his love. It is all about awakening your souls with God’s light and love.