Hypocrites come up with foolish excuses to avoid good deeds

  • 7 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: Hypocrites are masters of hypocrisy. They never ask, "What should I do? Give me a task to do." For example, a hypocrite never asks the deep state, "How can I gather intelligence, how can I find information?" They figure out how they will do so through their evil intelligence. They can reach all sorts of information, all kinds of top-secret researches. And they convey the information to the hypocritical British deep state. Among Muslims, they ask, "How can I preach Islam, how can I get the message of Islam to the Muslims? I have free time but I cannot find a topic to talk about." How can you not find any topic to talk about? You have the Quran, it contains the truths of faith, all the beauty of the world are around us to see. We see the arts of God everywhere we look at. How can you not see this?  How can you not preach it? When it comes to hypocrisy, you never fail to preach it. When it comes to immorality, you never fail to preach it. You can preach everything about them by heart down to the most intricate detail for hours on end. You provide intelligence to the British deep state. For example, those hypocritical female spies never ask how to commit hypocrisy. But if they were to told to preach Islam, they would become baffled. They would start asking, "How can we do that? Where should we begin? What should we read?" In their 20 or 25 years of lives spent as spies, they do not once ask "How?" They learn foreign languages on their own. They infiltrate places no one can. They reach information no one can. The British deep state does not monitor them via their cell phones. These hypocrites do not need their enthusiasms to be aroused. They are already full of evil enthusiasm. But when it comes to Islam, they draw an ignorant, clueless self-image. In other words, they pretend to be incompetent, they pretend that they cannot grasp, understand or perceive anything. For example, when they are supposed to do something, they come up with an excuse, such as saying her hand ached all day. The next day, they give the excuse that the weather is too hot to do it. The next day; "I am distracted today." The next day; "I do not have the book with me, and I cannot do it from memory." However, a Muslim could easily write his or her reflections on the truths of faith. When you tell hypocrites to do something, they say they cannot do it, but when they receive an instruction from the British deep state, they display an astonishingly evil skill and effort to report back all the information they find in there.

Hypocrites are second to none in coming up with excuses. This is what God constantly draws the attention to in the Quran. In other words, their most significant characteristic is their ability to treacherously and disgracefully make up excuses. For example, they say, "One should not go out to fight in the heat." Notice the excuse they come up with. "I cannot go to war because my house will be left unprotected." The Quran points out the fact that hypocrites have a treacherous and perfidious ability making up excuses. In other words, it is understood that they will come up with countless excuses to avoid doing a good, beneficial deed.

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