Jennifer Lopez Worried She'd Never Have Children

  • 7 years ago
Jennifer Lopez has been a success in everything from film to music, but it was her personal life that she was most worried about… Specifically, the loves of her life, kids Emme and Max.

As if this recent Instagram collage, and the sweet caption she included for their ninth birthday wasn’t enough of an indication.

But J.Lo gets personal on the Today show, and says, “I didn’t have kids until later, and I almost thought that it wasn’t going to happen for me.”

The entertainer didn’t give birth to her twins till she was 38-years-old, which many women may consider late to give birth to their first children. She tells the Today Show, “I’m very aware that I was blessed with that. I don’t take it for granted for one day.”

So, despite all her achievements, her Las Vegas residency, and a youthful appearance that’s envied throughout the world, J.Lo’s true blessings reside at home.
