Ramadan Tariq and Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Debate (3)

  • il y a 16 ans
=> 255 vidéos avec Tariq RAMADAN http://www.dailymotion.com/group/113471
- Part 1
- Part 2

- Part 3 above

Thank you very much to "ismael69007"
Why ?
Because he has discovered a truth.
Which ?
You can see Mr. Lelouche in this video at"[2:51 min.]

"The "journalist" who asked a question about the vote in france against hijab is a jewish, zionist, supporter of sarkozy and very close to jewish religious (you can see on dailymotion, this man, mister Lelouche, praying with rabins in a public place, very interesting for a laic)."
