• 8 years ago
According to a new study from New Mexico State University, spray-on insect repellent is more effective than "wearable" devices such as a mosquito bracelet or citronella candle. After testing 10 commercial products, the results showed that sprays containing DEET and PMD (lemon eucalyptus oil) were the most effective. The five spray-ons that proved the most effective, in order of effectiveness, were Cutter Lemon Eucalyptus, Ben's Tick and Insect Repellent, All Terrain Kids Herbal Armor, Avon Skin-So-Soft Bug Guard Plus Picaridin and Repel Sportsmen Max Formula. Of the 'wearables,' only the Off! Clip-On worked as effectively as the sprays, but none of the other products came close. In a time where protecting oneself from mosquito-borne illnesses seems more important than ever, it's good to do some research, and most importantly, use the products as directed. Even the best bug spray will wear off in a few hours.