Programme Quotidien du Croyant

  • 16 years ago
Abdessalam yassine "Programme Quotidien du Croyant"
يوم المومن وليلته بالعربية

En francais : Programme Quotidien du Croyant

En espagnol : el_dia_del_creyente_y_su_noche

En Anglais : Day and Night Schedule of the Believer

Day and Night Schedule of the Believer is a “how to” book that outlines how you shall start and end your day in order to earn the greatest ultimate reward, that of contemplating the Face of God for ever.

In his introduction, Imam Yassine states: "Between life and death there is a lifespan during which man should work righteousness and worship God. Since your lifetime is your capital, you should organize it and apportion it between the different duties and assignments so that none of them may overwhelm the other. For the most important thing is not to do whatever you wish whenever you wish. Rather, the most important thing is to do the right work at the right time."
