Holomatix Rendition, demonstration using the Maya Plug-In

  • il y a 16 ans
Rendition IPR (Interactive Production Renderer) is an integral part of Holomatix Rendition, which allows the impact of changes to a scene to be seen in real time.
By using the bundled Maya Plug-In (available for Maya 7, 8 and 8.5), changes made to the scene in Maya are automatically updated to the rendered view in realtime. Over time, the scene converges to the final production quality rendered image. Rendition IPR tracks all changes to the scene in Maya, including Maya camera moves, shader parameter changes and changes to scene geometry.

The key benefit of advantage of Rendition IPR is a dramatic improvement in project development workflow, as instant feedback is available allowing the perfect camera angle to be found, precisely the right shader parameters to be chosen, or the perfect camera path for a movie to be used.


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