Satan has made people forget love, and took away the meaning of life

  • 7 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: People have become deprived of the love in their hearts. However, love is the most essential quality of the very nature of mankind. It is the emotion that has the greatest impact on the body and soul. It is the purpose behind mankind's creation. But satan has had it reversed. He has made people forgot about love. A life devoid of love is meaningless. Life loses its meaning. And people are used to this. This truly astonishes me. I see that people are used to a life bereft of love. So what is left of life then? Without love, one is simply an organism, an ensemble of cells.

İBRAHİM AKMUGAN: We see in the verse of the Quran that prophets ask for nothing but love in return for their efforts to spread religion.

ADNAN OKTAR: Masha'Allah. "I do not ask you for any wage for this –except for you to love your near of kin" Allah says in the Quran. For this reason, faces and gazes are cold, and loveless. However, a person full of love would wish to watch over his loved ones. As you know, there is a guardianship system in the Quran and love is what moves this system. For example, a believer shares the best of what he eats, what he drinks, what clothing he has with other fellow believers. This is the guardianship system. But the moving power at the root of this is system is the love and fear of God. And a believer loves other believers because he sees in them the manifestation of God. So, he shares his possessions fondly, not under compulsion as in communism. History of the world does not have many such examples either. It is riddled with wars and conflicts, in other words, lovelessness has largely been the predominant emotion. However, God's purpose is love. So is heaven's. We will establish the reign of love. But how? Because it is what God wills. Otherwise, what God wants is the love of distinguished ones, love of sincere believers. For example, prophets and saints. It is their affection that God loves. It is also for their affection that God created the universe. In other words, for them to love God and His creations. Because if a person does not love heaven, then heaven loses its meaning.  Without love, the whole system instantly collapses. God takes believers to His heaven because of their love for heaven and everything in it. But were God to put a person ignorant of love in His heaven, he would not harbor such love. In other words, what he felt would not be a sincere love. For that reason, God wants to raise believers who appreciate and love heaven the most. That is why He established a perfect trial system. The world is a blood bath. Love is the reason behind it.

SEMİH MERİÇ: Mr. Oktar, God says in the verse of the Quran; I seek refuge in God from satan. "As for those who have faith and do right actions, the All-Merciful will bestow His love on them."

ADNAN OKTAR: Again, please.

SEMİH MERİÇ: "As for those who have faith and do right actions, the All-Merciful will bestow His love on them."

ADNAN OKTAR: Who have faith and are sincere in their all kinds of right deeds. The Dajjal movement ceaselessly promotes violence and lovelessness. Look at what Lenin says; "Do not let your heart hold emotions of love, mercy or compassion. Only let in your heart cruelty, ruthlessness and mercilessness. Be bloodthirsty. Let us drown them in a sea of blood. Do not harbor in you even a shed of mercy." He says, "Free your hearts of love." Indeed, the members of Politburo in that era, and the communists, all of whom would wear unbelievably cold and lifeless expressions.
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