Beatles經典的屋頂演唱會仍為許多人津津樂道,就算沒能參與到那個時代的歌迷,至今也衷心嚮往有機會可以一睹為快。Lara梁心頤腦海中一直有致敬Beatles的想法,這次Frank屋頂音樂會就是這個想法的實踐。而且為了打造具有強烈Lara特色的音樂會,她選在Att 4 fun的頂樓,在台北夜生活中心的舉辦限定一夜的開唱, 讓觀眾在聆聽Lara美妙嗓音的同時,也能欣賞台北五光十色的夜景,更能享受頂級夜店微醺放鬆的氛圍。
The Beatles' perennial farewell rooftop concert caused a frenzy amongst music lovers during its time; even for those who weren't around at the time, they can at least have a glimpse into the past at Lara's FRANK rooftop showcase. Lara has always wanted to pay homage to the Beatles, and this rooftop concert was where her ideas finally came to life. To create this atmosphere she chose to hold the concert at ATT 4 FUN's rooftop, allowing listeners to hear her sweet voice float across the rooftops of Taipei's vibrant nightlife, creating a safe space for city dwellers to feel comfortable, even if just for one night.
The Beatles' perennial farewell rooftop concert caused a frenzy amongst music lovers during its time; even for those who weren't around at the time, they can at least have a glimpse into the past at Lara's FRANK rooftop showcase. Lara has always wanted to pay homage to the Beatles, and this rooftop concert was where her ideas finally came to life. To create this atmosphere she chose to hold the concert at ATT 4 FUN's rooftop, allowing listeners to hear her sweet voice float across the rooftops of Taipei's vibrant nightlife, creating a safe space for city dwellers to feel comfortable, even if just for one night.