• 8 years ago
Breadwinners is an American animated television series created by Gary Doodles Di Raffaele and Steve Borst for Nickelodeon. Two anthropomorphic, duck best friends, SwaySway (Robbie Daymond) and Buhdeuce (Eric Bauza) fly around the water-based planet, Pondgea, in a rocket-powered van delivering bread to their customers.\r
Do you like riDUCKulous adventures? Sway Sway and Buhdeuce are a couple of super cool Breadwinners with a love for all loaves! These two quazy ducks fly a rocket van from the west to the yeast of Pondgea, making sure everyone gets some bread up in their beak. Yip-yip!\r
Even though theyre always working, these ducks make sure to have 24/7 fun. They have to watch their tails, though. there are monsters with three butt-cheeks around EVERY corner.\r
Most importantly, these ducks deliver all the loaves with no leftovers! Just remember: no matter the challenge, no matter what, they always deliver and never give up! Hold on to your tail feathers and get ready for some QUAZY adventures.\r
SwaySway comes from a long line of Breadwinners, and is now proud to carry on the family tradition of getting bread UP IN YO BEAK! Hes not the best driver. but even when the Rocket Van is busted up and their bread is totally toast, SwaySway is still the most optimistic duck around!\r
Breadwinners Ultimate Robot Battle - For Kids in English Cartoon Game Movie New new HD Nickelodeon Breadwinners - Video Children Full Gameplay


