Hundreds of Whales Die After Largest Mass Stranding in Decades

  • 7 years ago
Footage courtest of TVNZ shows the heartbreaking scene at Farewell Spit in New Zealand's Golden Bay where hundreds of pilot whales died overnight on Thursday after being stranded on the beach in what is believed to be the largest stranding in decades. The last time such an event was recorded in New Zealand on such a large scale was in 1985, when 450 whales were washed up on the Great Barrier Island.

New Zealand's Department of Conservation said that around 300 of the 416 whales were discovered dead. Local authorities and some 500 volunteers were seen attempting to save the lives of the remaining 100 or so whales on Friday. A DOC representative said that the shallowness of Golden Bay makes it particularly dangerous for whale beachings. Since 1840, over 5,000 whales and dolphins have washed up on New Zealand beaches.
