'Go buy Ivanka's stuff' - did White House adviser cross the line?

  • 7 years ago
A senior White House adviser is in hot water after promoting products of President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka.

Federal ethics rules bar executive branch employees from using their positions to endorse goods or for the private gain of friends.

A Congressional committee is now seeking a review into whether Kellyanne Conway crossed the ethical line when she said in a Fox News interview from the White House: “Go buy Ivanka’s stuff… I’m going to get some myself today.

“I’m going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today, everybody.”

Kellyanne Conway may have violated federal ethics rules when she urged shoppers to buy Ivanka Trump’s retail brand https://t.co/n10oaKFK11 pic.twitter.com/uQmroQ4G3l— NPR (@NPR) 9 February 2017

Jason Chaffetz: Kellyanne Conway promoting Ivanka Trump’s products was “unacceptable” https://t.co/LQBKLbq7AA pic.twitter.com/qisuGrZbyk— Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) 9 February 2017

Asked at a press briefing on Thursday if Conway had crossed an ethical line, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said: “She has been counseled on that subject, and that’s it.”

Conway, asked in an interview on Fox News on Thursday evening how she had been counseled, replied: “I’m not going to comment on that.”

Her comments came a day after Trump attacked retailer Nordstrom for dropping Ivanka’s product lines.

His use of a White House twitter platform to intervene in a commercial matter involving his family’s business ties drew intense criticism.

Nordstrom said it ditched the brand because it was poorly performing