Shawna Yang Ryan: Retelling Taiwan's History in 'Green Island'

  • 7 years ago
Shawna Yang Ryan: Retelling Taiwan's History in 'Green Island'
Bay Area Book Festival - Magnes Museum
Christian Kracht, Shawna Yang Ryan, Steve Sem-Sandberg, and Naomi J. Williams, moderated by Janis Cooke NewmanHistorical novels take us inside the minds and hearts of characters from the past—some real, some made-up, but all coming to life in our imaginations. How do real events inspire fictional ones? These extraordinary writers bring us through tumultuous 20th-century Taiwan, the Lodz ghetto in Nazi-occupied Poland, an ill-fated French maritime expedition in the late 18th century, and a made-up coconut colony visited by a real German emigre in the early 20th century—with the discussion led by master historical novelist Janis Cooke Newman, who takes us to WWII-era New York and Germany.

