The life of Layla a Bedouin girl revealed in the movie 'Sandstorm'

  • 7 years ago
‘Sandstorm’ the movie focuses on Layla, a young Bedouin who left her village to study in a nearby town. She returns home with her father who is going to take a second wife.

Her outlook has changed and as she grapples with the conventions of her community her life is turned upside down upsetting her loved ones.

Euronews met with the director of the movie Elite Zexer. The 36-year-old Israeli also wrote the film. The creative spark was visiting Bedouin villages with her mother who was a photographer. The movie took nearly ten years to make.

“I couldn’t cast Bedouin women because they are very traditional and if you took a photo of a woman, you can only show it to her and to the very immediate family. so, I knew from the beginning I have to choose, to go to the Palestinians, teach them as much as I can the culture and also how to speak cause it’s the same language with different dialects. so we casted all over Israel and outside of Israel,” she told euronews.

Sandstorm is anything but a movie where good and evil collide. There are no heroes or villains. It is above all a film about women, the conditions under which they live and the conventions which dictate especially in a Bedouin community. Men are all powerful. One critic said Sandstorm had the feel more of an anthropological study than a traditional drama.

“Layla is growing up in this film in the very simplistic universal growing up story of a girl who worships her father and learns during the film that he is a person that can’t do anything. In the beginning, she thinks I can be and do whatever I want because Dad will help me and throughout the film she realises that Dad has limits, and if she wants to be or do something, she’s got to get it for herself. No magical Dad is gonna come and make everything right,” explained the director.

Wedded to Tradition: Elite Zexer explores Bedouin family bonds in #SandStorm KinoLorber— Film Journal (Film_Journal) September 29, 2016

Layla falls in love with a young Palestinian from another tribe Marriage is impossible. She is up against the entrenched views of her parents. The battle seems to be lost before it has begun.

“The Bedouin community that I met, are going to through a big change, right now. They’re opening up to a very modern world while they are still try to understand how they preserve everything that they love about their tradition.

‘And this is an open debate by men and women. Everyone is talking and try to understand how to open up and not losing everything they love about their culture, and I don’t know what the future will be, nobody knows what the future will be. So what I was trying to do at the end of the movie is say “Ok, this is the future generation and I don’t know if the world is deterministic or is going to change,” she said.

Sandstorm has has had showings at festivals around the world and last year was awarded the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Festival which is


