• 8 years ago
To watch more Nursery Rhymes for children Nursery Rhymes for Children :kids but watch out \r
for the crocodile. Finger Family Collection(Daddy Finger) :15 Finger family collection - To \r
watch all our popular nursery rhymes resenting the popular rhyme Crocodile. Children!!!!.. Welcome to the magical and enchanting world of rhymes. Watch out for our own Fairy Katrina as she we.. Row Row Row Your Boat \r
Nursery Rhymes For Children;\r
baby crocodile, baby crocodile \r
dont you bite, dont you bite! \r
I can run away from you, I can run away from you \r
out of sight , out of sight.\r
mummy crocodile, mummy crocodile \r
dont you bite, dont you bite! \r
I can run away from you, I can run away from you \r
out of sight , out of sight.\r
dady crocodile, dady crocodile \r
dont you bite, dont you bite! \r
I can run away from you, I can run away from you \r
out of sight , out of sight.


