Jesus Never said I am God Worship Me

  • 16 years ago
قال الله تعالى في محكم تنزيله:

" 21:18 بل نقذف بالحق على الباطل فيدمغه فاذا هو زاهق ولكم الويل مما تصفون

‏21:19 وله من في السماوات والارض ومن عنده لايستكبرون عن عبادته ولايستحسرون "

سورة الانبياء

English Translation :

" Nay, We hurl the Truth against falsehood, and it knocks out its brain, and behold, falsehood doth perish! Ah! woe be to you for the (false) things ye ascribe (to Us).

To Him belong all (creatures) in the heavens and on earth: Even those who are in His (very) Presence are not too proud to serve Him, nor are they (ever) weary (of His service). "

(Holy Qur'an al-Anbiya' (The Prophets)21:18-19)