
  • 7 years ago
00:09♫ Lonely, lively, or in an ordinary city. ♫
00:14♫ A gust of wind, a surge of rain, a familiar melody. ♫
00:19♫ Helpless, proud, or in an insignificant corner. ♫
00:23♫ How many details, how many scenes, how many clear memories? ♫
00:29♫ Traveling free, no restraints, or devoting myself to missing you. ♫
00:34♫ When I meet you again, when we reunite again, when I can see your pretty self again. ♫
00:38♫ Eternal or ephemeral, the two sides to life. ♫
00:43♫ I want you to hear and see it all. ♫
00:48♫ I want to be with the pretty you, and be together prettily. ♫
00:52♫ I want your company in all the exciting moments. ♫
00:58♫ Brilliant or ordinary; it’s always a lingering question. ♫
01:02♫ Together, I want to try changing myself for you. ♫
01:07♫ I want to be with the pretty you, and be together prettily. ♫
01:11♫ I want to get used to the occasional sadness together with you. ♫
01:16♫ I want to fulfill my crazy wishes together with you. ♫
01:29Pretty Li Huizhen
01:33Episode 29
01:43I feel awful.
01:47Why did she trick me for so long?
01:53Huizhen, you have to know,
01:56everyone will make mistakes.
01:58When you first tricked Bai Haoyu, didn't you also have your reasons?
02:05I think Xia Qiao is the same.
02:08No matter what she does,
02:11she can't cover the fact that she deceived Bai Haoyu.
02:15But based on your relationship with her,
02:18can't you believe in her once?
02:24I believe Xia Qiao must feel very tormented about deceiving you.
02:31Xia Qiao also knows that paper cannot wrap around fire.
02:36But how do you lie about your name?
02:41But she still went with it.
02:44She must like Bai Haoyu just like how she likes you.
02:52Can't you give her one more chance?
03:17How was it? Have you said goodbye to the single life?
03:19She just ran away. She didn't even let me send her back home.
03:25She didn't promise you anything. Why are you excited?
03:27I finally confessed to the Li Huizhen I love.
03:30My heart feels wonderful.
03:32A 30 year old virgin man is so scary.
03:35Hey! What do you mean by that?
03:37Are you looking down on me?
03:39That's not important.
03:41The important thing is if Li Huizhen looks down on you or not.
03:46I'm telling you, she and I will definitely be together!
03:52How is it? Do you feel better?
03:56How could I?
03:58At the most, I'm calmer.
04:02At least you can go and face Xia Qiao now.
04:08Qiao'er once told me
04:10that once she thinks things through
04:12she'll tell me everything.
04:15Now that I think about it, this is what she was talking about.
04:20She must have felt awful during this time.
04:22Which is why her stomach even had a convulsion.
04:27It is obvious that she had to face a lot of mental stress.
04:32So I've decided to wait for her.
04:35Wait for who? Bai Haoyu?
04:38For Qiao'er!
04:40I want to wait for her to get things straight,
04:45and then I'll answer Bai Haoyu.
04:47Before that, I'll pretend like nothing happened.
04:53You really think that?
04:57No for anything else, but for Qiao'er.
05:03Then how are you going to answer Bai Haoyu?
05:06Start all over again?
05:08Or continue being colleagues?
05:12I want to be together with him.
05:16I like him, so I want to be together with him.
05:26That's good.
05:27Then I'm going in. Bye.
05:32Lin Yimu!
05:34Wait a second! Lin Yimu!
05:36Don't say anything.
05:39Just let me hug you.
05:41Let go!
05:44Lin Yimu, are you sick?
05:46You should first loosen your grip. Do you have some other worries on your mind
05:50I'm afraid I'll never see you again.
05:57Let go!
05:59What if you go in and lose control,
06:01and fight with Xia Qiao, then what?
06:04Oh my god, are you sick?
06:07Do you want to watch us fight? How can you have such a terrible heart?
06:11Hey! Tell me if you guys fight!
06:13Your heart is awful!
06:20I'm back.
06:21You're back?
06:27What are you doing?
06:30I'm gluing the soles of your shoes.
06:32Your shoes are so broken yet you still won't throw them away.
06:37I see that you're just reluctant to throw it away.
06:44Everything is good about you.
06:46Sometimes it's just one nerve that you should have, you know? I wanted you to buy a new pair of shoes, and you go all defensive on me.
06:51Let me tell you, shoes are so important to a woman.
06:56A good pair shoes can allow you to walk into brilliant future prospects. (lit. broad and open roads)
07:00But on the other hand, a bad pair of shoes will not only be bad for your feet,
07:04and I tell you it can also be bad for your horoscope.
07:07Is that so?
07:08Of course!
07:12I originally wanted to throw these shoes away, they can't even be fixed!
07:16But then I was thinking that if I really threw your shoes away,
07:19you'd probably just go to the garbage can to fish it out.
07:20So I can only try to stick your shoe together so at least you can get by with it.
07:23One day, I'll find a good excuse to drag you out to buy shoes.
07:31You just wait. I'll definitely find a
07:33excuse you can't avoid!
07:37I'll wait for you.
07:41That's not right.
07:43You never used to agree to these things. Why are you so amicable today?
07:48Because I'm listening to your words.
07:57That's good you know that I'm being good to you.
07:59So you have to listen to all my words from now on, got it?
08:03I'll definitely listen.
08:05And then wait for you to bring me to buy shoes.
08:08Look, I'm almost done gluing your broken shoes.
08:13Let's put it on the table to appreciate it. Let's put it on the table to appreciate it.
08:15This is my handiwork!
08:19They're like manufactured goods, a piece of art.
08:22Oh my gosh. My goddess Zhu Ying!
08:26What time is it now? You're still working overtime?
08:30I want to be more familiar with their online business.
08:36I haven't thanked you for your little present yet. It's very useful.
08:39No problem.
08:41I want my goddess Zhu Ying to always be pretty!
08:48That's right. Tomorrow, Mr. Bai and I
08:51will go to a brand store and participate in a meeting.
08:54In China, this brand is currently
08:56not collaborating with any electronic platform market.
08:59But in America
09:01it takes up 5% of the top marketing brands summed up.
09:08Then you mean...?
09:10I mean, everyone has what they are good and bad at.
09:17So, professional people have to do professional things.
09:22Our job is to maximize Immortal's use.
09:27Only this way can the Elleshop partnership go smoother.
09:33What is the purpose of Immortal?
09:35It's the place that calls out to the brands of great art magazines.
09:37That's right.
09:39We have our strengths.
09:41So why don't we make the best use of our strengths?
09:45My goddess Zhu Ying. Relax.
09:48Don't be so stubborn. Why make yourself so tired?
09:52Thank you Director, I understand.
09:56-A kiss for you!\N-A kiss for you too!
10:01Bye bye good night!
10:13I'm finally done writing.
10:14I'm very thankful you accepted my interview, Teacher Zheng.
10:18I am also very happy.
10:19Originally, I thought you
10:22pretended to be my fan to do your job.
10:24I didn't imagine that you really do love fairytales.
10:27I really do love them very much!
10:29I am also really your fan.
10:32Thank you.
10:33Also, I actually don't like lying.
10:36It's just...oh my.
10:38I...don't lie most of the time, just a bit.
10:42You are very honest and cute.
10:45You are very knowledge about fairy tales from all countries.
10:49You have also gathered a lot of information.
10:51You probably didn't do it all last minute?
10:53I really am not.
10:55I actually love fairytales a lot.
10:58Also, my childhood dream has always been
11:00to become a fairytale writer.
11:03Oh, really?
11:05So I'm really jealous that you
11:08can freely write your fairytales.
11:11You can do it too.
11:12I can't, right now...
11:15I thought about that a long time ago.
11:18But I have a job now so...
11:22Did you know?
11:23Actually, I only started writing after I had children.
11:27Because with children, there were a lot of problems that had new solutions.
11:31That's why I had the idea to write fairytales from a new perspective.
11:36Of course, I went through a lot of mistakes and troubles along the way.
11:40But, I reached today step by step.
11:44I'm so envious.
11:47How about I give you one of my books as a souvenir?
11:53Oh my god!
12:02Li Huizhen, may your dreams come true!
12:05Li Huizhen, may your dreams come true!
12:36Good morning, my little flowers!
12:40Wow! Director, you're so pretty!
12:43♫ All the single ladies, all the single ladies. ♫
12:46♫ All the single ladies, all the single ladies. ♫
12:48My goddess.
12:52You are so, so, pretty.
12:57So naughty. When am I not pretty?
13:01You're pretty every day!
13:04Brother Yimu!
13:05Have you loved our Editor-in-Chief for a long time?
13:10I really think Editor-in-Chief is very charismatic. Still waters run deep.
13:17I think our Editor-in-Chief is very cool.
13:20You have good taste.
13:21Oh, Husheng. Do you like our Editor-in-Chief too?
13:27No! I idolize her!
13:30If we're talking about liking,
13:32I think I especially like someone like Sister Zhu Ying.
13:36Ohhhhhh. Rumors! Rumors!
13:41Wow. I'm very excited to suddenly get a confession from my own little brother.
13:47But I have little time.
13:49I have no time to wait for the little tree to grow up!
13:52Han Xue, water the plant.
13:55I'm so sad! There's no new couples in the office!
13:58I'm so unhappy!
14:00A life without nosy business
14:01is so boring!
14:03- I can't stand it.\N- Do you think it'd be more festive if Brother Hao was here?
14:08You don't need to worry about him.
14:09He's probably happily strolling around somewhere.
14:11He is definitely living better than us.
14:13He must be holding a chicken in his left hand, \N(lyrics from a song)
14:16holding a duck in his right hand,\N(lyrics from a song)
14:18with a chubby doll on his back!\N(lyrics from a song)
14:21- Okay, chubby doll. I'm leaving.\N- I'm not chubby--
14:27Back to business. What did Associate Editor say is in ten minutes?
14:30-A meeting!\N-A meeting!
14:47Long time no see.
14:56-You like this painting too?\N-Oh my!
14:59Associate Editor.
15:01This is my favorite painting.
15:06Were you okay after going back last night?
15:12If my words troubled you, I'm sorry.
15:16But I really-
15:18You don't need to apologize, Associate Editor.
15:20I'm very happy you can be brave and say those words.
15:25Mm. It's just...
15:27But your expression doesn't seem to say that.
15:32There's still some things I need to deal with.
15:36So I can't give you an answer right now.
15:41Can you...wait a bit?
15:45Do you have a boyfriend?
15:48No. I don't, but there's a person I care about a lot.
15:53I must take his feelings into account.
15:56Is it Lin Yimu?
15:59Of course not!
16:03That's good.
16:06So, Associate Editor, can you give me a little more time?
16:11Okay. I'll wait for you.
16:16No matter how long it takes, I'll wait.
16:21Why do those words sound so familiar?
16:26Young lady, can you help us take a picture?
16:31Here. We'll take it right here, okay?
16:40two, three!
16:43-One more?\N-Okay.
16:46Two, three!
16:49-Thank you.\N-You're welcome!
16:50Husband, why are you standing here?
16:52Why don't you two take a picture too?
16:54I'll take a picture for you two, okay?
16:57-There's no need.\N-Okay.
16:58- Okay. Thank you.\N- Hurry, give it to me.
17:04Just press this button.
17:06This is quite good. Stand here.
17:14I want to take a picture in front of my favorite painting with my favorite person.
17:18Can I?
17:21Young man, get closer!
17:27One, two, three!
17:40Where are you going? I'll take you.
17:43There's no need, I drove.
17:45I borrowed Sister Zhu Ying's car again.
17:48Okay. I'm not worried about Sister Zhu Ying's car.
17:52See you at the office then.
17:59Why don't you take me?
18:02Didn't you drive here?
18:05I can leave it here, and then you'll come get it with me tomorrow.
18:09Aiyo, cut it out. I'll leave first.
18:36Isn't this the beautiful manager from a five-star hotel?
18:43You're quite good at flattering people. Your injuries are much better, right?
18:48It's average. They're about to heal.
18:50What do you mean? Why so negative?
18:54Life is a mixture between negative and not negative.
19:01Only Li Huizhen, this fool,
19:03would act like she's on steroids all day.
19:06Let's not talk about me.
19:08Let's talk about you. How are you and Bai Haoyu?
19:11Did you tell him?
19:15Not yet. But I will very soon.
19:18-Once...\N-There's no time.
19:21What do you mean?
19:23Li Huizhen already knows.
19:27What did you say?
19:28I said Bai Haoyu already confessed to Li Huizhen.
19:31Haoyu also told her to wait for a while.
19:38he has to split up with his childhood friend Li Huizhen first.
19:46How could it become this?
19:51It's okay.
19:53There's a way to turn things back.
19:55As long as I apologize to Huizhen and Bai Haoyu,
20:00as long as they are willing to forgive me, I'll do anything.
20:02Don't panic.
20:06That's right.
20:08That's right, I cannot panic.
20:11I think you have time. Also, there's an opportunity to save this situation.
20:16You just need to tell them properly.
20:18I believe they will forgive you.
20:24That's right. They will forgive me.
20:29Then everything can go back to the starting point.
20:31We can pretend nothing ever happened.
20:35Nothing will change, right?
20:40Huizhen will forgive me. We'll still be the way we were in the past.
20:48Huizhen is my best friend.
20:51I cannot lose her.
20:53You won't lose her.
20:56Because Li Huizhen once said that you are a friend that is closer than family.
21:03She'll give you time.
21:06To let you get used to it.
21:14I'm back!
21:17You're back?
21:18My god, what are you doing there?!
21:20I'm making you dinner, don't come over!
21:24Be careful!
21:26Y-y-you, what are you doing?!
21:28Why are you starting to cook again? This won't do.
21:30-Give it here.\N-It's hot!
21:32I say, why are you cooking again?
21:35Did I not feed you enough?
21:37Why did you start cooking yourself?
21:39What is all this?
21:41I say, did you swipe your card to the limit again?
21:43I just wanted to cook you some dinner, this food is for you.
21:47And those things are for you.
21:49Try them on later.
21:53Why are you cooking me food and buying me stuff?
22:08Qiao'er. You don't need to do this.
22:14Did you know?
22:16You are my most important friend.
22:19You're a friend that is closer than family.
22:31I know I was wrong.
22:36Can you forgive me?
22:41I also know,
22:43I was very silly and childish.
22:47But can you forgive me?
22:50I really can't lose you.
23:08I forgive you.
23:11I told you before that whatever you do wrong, I'll forgive you.
23:16I'll do as I say.
23:38That's how the situation went.
23:41At the beginning, I was only touched by his sincerity.
23:47I felt that...in my life,
23:51this sort of man finally appeared.
23:54He sincerely treated me well.
23:57I can finally feel what it feels like to be loved.
24:03I also knew that he wasn't mine.
24:07But I always uncontrollably thought of him.
24:11And I lost control more and more.
24:18Do you...hate me a lot?
24:28My heart aches for you.
24:31Qiao'er, did you know?
24:33The first time you told me you had a boyfriend,
24:37I was so happy for you.
24:41I thought then,
24:44"Qiao'er must be the happiest woman in the world."
24:48I also want you to become the happiest person in the world.
24:54Qiao'er. The most uncertain thing in this world is love.
24:59Because love has no right and no wrong.
25:03In the end, we can't be sure who needs to take responsibility.
25:07So you don't need to think that I'll hate you, because I don't.
25:13No one is right or wrong in this situation.
25:17Also, you can obtain happiness even without pretending to be someone else.
25:25Because you are Xia Qiao.
25:37But...how did you know I knew about this?
25:44Did Bai Haoyu tell you?
25:47No. How could it be him?
25:51What did you say? You told her?
25:55No. Look at how scared you are.
25:57No! What did you tell her?
26:00I just said, I didn't know she knew either.
26:03I just...felt awful about it, so I came clean.
26:08She believed you?
26:09Mm. She believes me for now.
26:13But I don't know if she'll ask again later.
26:17I say, Lin Yimu.
26:19When do you intend to tell her the truth?
26:22I don't want to keep anything from her anymore.
26:26A month from now. I'll tell her after a month.
26:30You just live in a hotel, what's so bad about it? It's not illegal.
26:35I have my pains too.
26:38There are a lot of things that I can't say right now.
26:42Just what is it?
26:44I really can't tell anyone else.
26:46I say, you...
26:49Fine. If Zhen'er blames me, I'll say you wouldn't let me say it.
26:53You didn't let me tell her, anyway.
26:56When that happens, just blame me.
26:59It's all my fault.
27:00Fine. I'll be off, Zhen'er is waiting for me to buy food.
27:03Buy food? Wait, come back.
27:08Didn't you say you cooked her food?
27:11No! She said that if I really want to repay her,
27:14then don't force her to eat those...
27:17Aiya, you know. Fine, I'm leaving.
27:40Hello, Haoyu?
27:42Huizhen, I'm sorry about that day. I waited so long to contact you.
27:47It's okay.
27:49If you didn't contact me, I wanted to call you anyway.
27:54Are you free tomorrow? Let's meet.
27:59Let's meet at 9 p.m.
28:01Let's meet at that cafe we were at before.
28:08You must...be on time tomorrow.
28:15Then see you tomorrow.
28:27We're absolutely impressed by your new work this season.
28:31It's amazing!
28:33Thank you.
28:34But it is also because Immortal did a great advertisement campaign.
28:40You're so sweet! We just did our job.
28:44Robert, did you hear about our next move?
28:48Yes of course.
28:50Everybody knows. It is really amazing.
28:53New media is, in fact, a future trend.
28:57And I'm looking forward to hearing about your new innovation.
29:03I heard you are already working on your next campaign.
29:07Yes, absolutely.
29:09That's amazing!
29:11For your next campaign, cheers!
29:20Robert. I think your English is getting so much better after you moved out from France.
29:26Maybe next time I'll teach you some Chinese!
29:29You are very pretty. (In Chinese)
29:31You're so sweet!
29:33Thankfully Lin Yimu isn't here, or else we wouldn't get the chance to eat!
29:36Thankfully Brother Lin Hao didn't come either.
29:39He doesn't even cover his sneezes.
29:42Hurry and eat.
29:44To be honest, I miss Lin Hao. I wonder how he is doing in France.
29:47He's so untidy with work and is very independent.
29:50-Can he get used to it?\N-It should be okay.
29:52Hurry and eat. When you're done eating, I have something for you to see.
29:55Okay, eat!
30:00The tofu skin is delicious!
30:02Aiya, don't eat so much, or else you'll gain weight!
30:04Aren't you waiting to get married?
30:05- Eat more.\N- My wedding dress can't be altered.
30:08Forget it. I won't eat anymore.
30:11I want to drink water.
30:14Thank you Huizhen!
30:24This is Elleshop's official website.
30:28Do you see?
30:35That's right. Judging by these images, if the formatting of our image is larger,
30:39the images will be clearer.
30:42Isn't that the one we filmed last time?
30:44It looks so fancy.
30:46Take a special look at these videos.
30:48Do you see why they told us to make these over and over again?
30:51You can see it 360 degrees.
30:54This way, online, the customer can
30:57see how this article of clothing looks on somebody's body.
30:59That's right.
31:01The amazing era of the Internet.
31:14Hello, Manager?
31:18Ah, yes. Okay, I'll be right there.
31:25Thankfully there's still time.
31:31- I feel like it's biting me.\N- So comfortable.
31:34The pressure is just right.
31:36I hereby announce, within 20 minutes, no one is allowed to discuss work.
31:39We need to clear our minds.
31:43Lu Lu, what was that really useful eye cream you mentioned last time?
31:48This one. I've been using this eye cream all this time.
31:52It's really effective and moisturizing.
31:56- Let me see.\N- Look, even my thin wrinkles are gone.
31:59Let me see!
32:01- Also, this doesn't give you fat granules. It's very good.\N- That's right.
32:05- I'll buy some next time.\N- I knew your eyes look prettier nowadays.
32:06If I use that, will my eyes become as big as yours?
32:09Look at you! Maybe it'll give you double eyelids.
32:14It's so moisturizing. I want to buy a bottle.
32:16I'll get some for you next time. I have more.
32:20Now that I think about it, where did Lin Yimu go?
32:25You know most clearly where he is.
32:27- That's right.\N- That's right.
32:29Oh, please. When your car had the problem last time, he ran out without a word.
32:33That's right. He didn't tell you?
32:36Last time, when he heard you drove Sister Ya Ling's car,
32:39he bolted out to find you.
32:42As a result, he got into an accident.
32:45Is it possible
32:47you don't know about such a big incident?
32:50How'd you get those injuries?
32:51I fell in the bathroom at night.
32:57- Let me borrow that. \N- Your feet stinks. \N- Let's trade in a little bit.
33:00I think this-- Hey, what's Huizhen doing?
33:03Hey, Huizhen!
33:06- It's so rare we get to relax. Look at her.\N- Yes, I want this one!
33:09Hello, Lin Yimu?
33:11Where are you?
33:13Don't move. I'll go find you right now.
33:16Don't move.
33:19Oh, my god. Such a fun night tonight.
33:23Robert, it's going to be so great. We're going to work together again.
33:27Me too. I will send you the details soon.
33:32Mr. Bai, looks like everything progressed successfully.
33:36You've achieved something great.
33:38That's an overpraise. It's our combined efforts.
33:40Hey, Mr. Bai is very different today!
33:45Is this all because of my beauty?
33:53Oh, Robert! There's a really great wine bar over there.
33:56- Would you like to grab a glass of wine with me?\N- Yes!
33:59- Let's do it!\N[Our model, Xia Qiao]
34:01Mr. Bai, would you like to join us?
34:02Oh, I won't go.
34:15Thank you very much for the dinner tonight. I really appreciate it.
34:19It's my pleasure.
34:21- See you next time.\N- See you next time.
34:24- Bye.\N- Bye bye.
34:34This customer wanted to personally thank you before returning to his home country.
34:37You did well.
34:39This is only my duty.
34:44- Manager, let me pick up a call.\N- Okay.
34:49Hello, Haoyu?
34:51My meeting has ended. Where are you?
34:54Oh, I'm still at home. I'll leave soon.
35:00Okay. See you soon.
35:12Xia Qiao!
35:31Xia Qiao
35:34Who are you? Are you Xia Qiao or Huizhen?
35:42Who are you?
35:46Haoyu, let me explain.
35:47Who exactly are you?
35:55I am Xia Qiao.
35:59I am Li Huizhen's friend, Xia Qiao.
36:08Haoyu. Haoyu, let me explain!
36:16Tell me, has the real Li Huizhen
36:19been around me all along?
36:38Haoyu, let me explain.
37:27Lin Yimu!
37:31What's wrong? Why'd you look for me in the middle of the night? Did you miss me?
37:36How did you get these injuries?
37:41Did you follow me during my interview?
37:46Did you get these injuries because of an accident with your motorcycle?
37:53Hurry and tell me! Is it true?
37:59I... When I heard you drove the wrong car,
38:04and that you might get hurt in an accident,
38:09I bolted there at once. I didn't think too much about it.
38:16Then, you saw it all?
38:25I saw it.
38:28I saw you two hugging in the rain. So?
38:34I asked you so many times how you got injured. Why didn't you tell me?
38:39Why should I tell you?
38:42Isn't it nice to just watch
38:45and bless you two from far away?
38:53Lin Yimu...
38:54I'm not done speaking.
38:58If Bai Haoyu doesn't treat you well, remember you still have me.
39:03Although we don't have a 10-year relationship
39:06or childhood memories,
39:10at any time, if you need me,
39:14I'll appear at once.
39:21Do you think that you're super kind and that everyone should be thankful towards you?
39:26For somebody like you, you must have never had friends before.
39:30I had a very, very good friend.
39:34When we were little, we always helped each other.
39:40Later, he moved houses, and we lost contact.
39:45He told me that if I learn Street Fighter and beat this game,
39:49I can dominate the whole school. You haven't improved at all, Bai Fatty-Yu.
39:54Little Fatty-Yu.
39:57I have natural curly hair. It becomes this way when it touches water.
40:02Safe! Begin walking!
40:16Pick it up.
40:20Pick it up.
40:23Remember, in front of me, never do something against your heart.
40:37Are you Li Huizhen?
40:41Yes, I am Li Huizhen.
40:47long time no see.
40:49What? Associate Editor,
40:52didn't we just see each other and take a picture together?
40:57Long time no see. Have you been living well?
41:07Long time no see, Bai Haoyu.
41:20I'll see you at the company soon.
41:35Go ahead.
41:39It's okay. Go ahead.
41:44Go be with the person you like.
41:50I'm sorry.
42:36Li Huizhen.
42:41Bai Haoyu.
43:03I've finally found you.
43:24♫ I want to wander around in your heart. ♫
43:29♫ It’s better than secretly thinking alone. ♫
43:32♫ I want to accompany somebody and have crazy fantasies. ♫
43:37♫ It’s better than my empty dreams. ♫
43:44♫ I want to brave the wind together with you. ♫
43:49♫ It’s better than quietly looking out a window. ♫
43:52♫ I want to lend my shoulders to somebody. ♫
43:57♫ That way, I won’t waste this beautiful scenery. ♫
44:03♫ In the city, who is bravely wandering around? ♫
44:07♫ The light that shines onto your face is dazzling. ♫
44:13♫ In your palms, there is courage and hope ♫
44:17♫ for the persistence hiding in your heart, Cinderella. ♫
44:23♫ In your heart, loneliness is crying out. ♫
44:27♫ The panic is very obvious. If you’re not pretty, so what? ♫
44:33♫ In your dreams, love is only afraid of pain. ♫
44:37♫ Facing the lonely corridor, you are flustered. ♫
44:53♫ In the city, who is bravely wandering around? ♫
44:57♫ The light that shines onto your face is dazzling. ♫
45:03♫ In your palms, there is courage and hope ♫
45:07♫ for the persistence hiding in your heart, Cinderella. ♫