The New Way to Space - Falcon Heavy in 2017 - Onward to Mars

  • 7 years ago
Mars colonization is becoming much closer to reality, as access to space is finally becoming about 100X cheaper. With the landing of orbital and deep-space capable rockets ready for refueling and repeated launch the future of space travel has now entered a new era. 2017 will see the launch of possibly four Falcon Heavy rockets, paving the way for the first Spacex missions to Mars.

Space travel was once exclusively controlled by the government in collaboration with the military-industrial complex. Typically, only those corporations which also produced upscale weaponry were awarded the additional taxpayer money to build spacecraft. Of course, such corporations customarily faced little competition... and also had little incentive to do things on the cheap. For them, a rocket which could simply be refueled and flown again, is next to unthinkable.

Not so for SpaceX. Their goal is simply to get cargo and people to space as effectively and efficiently as possible. Now that their goal of landing orbital rockets ready for return to space with minimal cost has been achieved, the way to that goal has been cleared. Strapping three such self-returning rocket cores together, and landing them safely on oceangoing platforms in exactly this way, opens the door for the first time to cheap access to deep space - and your new home in a Mars colony. The higher velocity inner core, as well as the lower velocity outer cores, now both appear to be proven recoverable by landing.

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