10.Wong's Prediction Technology: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is on Thu.,17th Dec.,2054.

  • 7 years ago

Theme: To find the dates of Second Coming of Jesus Christ and beginning of Millennium Kingdom
File name: Bk-jesuscomes.A4
Author: Mr. Wong Chung Kai, John (黃仲佳)
Date: 21st July, 2016.

1. Knowledge of Golden Jubilee in verses 1-13, chapter 25, Book of Leviticus in Holy Bible.
2. Knowledge of Seventy Weeks in verses 24-27, chapter 9, Book of Daniel in Holy Bible.
3. Knowledge of Seven Seals in chapters 5-16, Book of Revelation in Holy Bible.
4. King of Persia, Cyrus, gave order to rebuild the Holy Temple of Jerusalem in 536B.C..
5. King of Persia, Artaxerxes, gave order to rebuild the city walls of Holy City, Jerusalem, in 457B.C..
6. King of Persia, Artaxerxes, gave order to complete building up of city walls of Jerusalem in 445B.C..
7. Israel state was restored on Saturday, 15th May, 1948.
8. The agreement which named Wye River Memorandum signed between Israel and Palestinian National Authority (PNA) on Friday, 23rd October, 1998, is the Holy Covenant.
9. The characteristic of Jewish calendar and the relation between Jewish calendar and Gregorian calendar.

To find: The date of Second Coming of Jesus Christ and when Millennium Kingdom can be established.

Concepts: Since the Wye River Memorandum was signed in the fiftieth year after the restoration of Israel state, this must be the Holy Covenant mentioned in verses 27, chapter 9, Book of Daniel. The Covenant is holy because it was signed in the Year of Golden Jubilee after the prophecy of restoration of Israel (A.D.1948) was fulfilled. The going forth of commandment by Persian King is the starting point of the prophecy of Seventy Weeks. The Wye River Memorandum signed on Fri., 23rd October, 1998, is a checkpoint of the prophecy of Seventy Weeks.
It is obvious that the end-point of the prophecy of Seventy Weeks is the establishment of Millennium Kingdom by Jesus Christ. Therefore, the starting point of the prophecy of Seventy Weeks must be 536B.C., 457B.C. or 445B.C.. Since the Holy Covenant must appear seven years before the end-point of the prophecy of Seventy Weeks, three equations with unknowns x, y and z can be set up as follows. `536B.C.+x→A.D.1998+7', `457B.C.+y→A.D.1998
+7' and `445B.C.+z→A.D.1998+7'. Thus, x=2541, y=2462 and z=2450. Amongst these three times of going forth of commandment by Persian Kings, 445B.C. is the most important one because 2450=(7x70)x5 and 2450=50x49. In other words, 2450 is the L.C.M. of Seventy Weeks (7x70 years) and Golden Jubilee (50 years). `445B.C.+(7x70)x5→A.D.2005' and `445B.C.+50x49→A.D.2005' can both fulfill the prophecy of Seventy Weeks in Book of Daniel and match the statute stated in Book of Leviticus (Laws of God, Jehovah) for all Israelite.

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