INDIANINJAS (2007) Full Movie with Eng Subtitles

  • 7 years ago
Indianinjas is a home-made action packed PIP film made in 2007 by Varun Mehta. The film was an experiment to have formed a new series of superheroes. The film was originally produced as a series with 3 episodes. Unfortunately, the first two episodes couldn't be recovered and the third was made into a movie.

Plot : The Evil sorcerer Victor who always get defeated by superheroes Indianinjas is frustrated. he devices a plan against them. he bribes a witch to get some special evil powers from a Plant/Tree. After getting superpowers. He calls the sorceress 'Dadi'..challenging her for a Fight. Dadi is known as the aunt of Indianinjas who takes care of them. Dadi panics as she knows that Victor might defeat Indianinjas. In order to save them, she engages in a fight with Victor where she gets badly defeated. Victor then throws out his army of troops as he feels he doesn't need them after those great powers with him. Indianinjas comes to know about Dadi's abduct through the emergency screen. They attempt to save her but Victor defeats and makes them powerless.

Indianinjas strikes a deal with Wazee - the right hand man of Victor to trick him and defeat him. Both parties agree with each other. Nikita tells the Indianinjas that they might be having some powers left and they should combine it with meditation. After meditation, their powers turn into a huge ball and they decide it to use against Victor. Nikita dressed as a dancer, visits Victor to entertain him. Victor is pleased.

she asks him to open a box which she has brought for him as a gift. As soon as Victor opens it, the ball which had the powers of Ninjas combined pulls in Victor and makes him powerless for few minutes. Indianinjas manages to free DADI. Wazee and his troops attacks Victor for betraying them. DADI enables the Indianinjas to regain their powers. Indianinjas attacks Victor with full might ultimately defeating him.

Ninjas then strike the troops of Victor one by one. DADI manages to knock off Victor and locking his evil powers. Indianinjas finally wins and calls off the day.