• 8 years ago
It is the video about making money online and the whole process by which you can make money on YOUTUBE.

Before getting started on youtube...You should have a GMAIL ACCOUNT (Here is the video by which you will be able to make a GMAIL ACCOUNT) - https://youtu.be/kuIx9w-mhZw

Set up your channel to earn money -

Whether your goal is to earn back some of what you spent making your videos or to become a sustainable business, YouTube’s platform lets you make money with successful videos.

Get your channel ready to earn:

Step 1: Enable your channel for monetization.

Step 2: Connect your YouTube channel to an AdSense account in order to earn money and get paid for your monetized videos.

Step 3: Take a minute to get to know the kinds of videos you can monetize and the different ad formats.

Step 4: Select “monetize with ads” for your videos and choose which ad formats and videos you want from Creator Studio app and in video manager.

Step 5: Keep making great videos that your community loves to watch!

There are different ways you can earn money with your channel. Start with ads and then look into other ways you can make money.

Now that you’ve enabled monetization (and hopefully enabled all formats to maximize revenue!), ads can run on your videos. Keep in mind:

YouTube connects your channel to paying advertisers so you can focus on what you do best: creating. In most cases, you get paid when viewers watch ads. We're constantly improving our ad systems so they work better for viewers and pay out to more creators.

You can also earn money from YouTube Red subscriptions. YouTube Red members pay a recurring fee for special benefits like watching YouTube videos without ads. The amount you earn from YouTube Red is calculated based on how much time members spend watching your content compared to other content.

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