Seth Meyers dismantled Trump and GOP on healthcare

  • 7 years ago
Last night, 'Late Night' host Seth Meyers decided to tackle Trump's stance on healthcare, specifically regarding repealing the Affordable Care Act. Republicans want to forget that the whole reason we have Obamacare in the first place is because health care sucked before,” Meyers said. “Sure, Obamacare isn’t perfect, but it’s better. Obamacare is like a fireman who carried you from a burning building, but on the way out he banged your head into a doorframe. Sure you have a headache now, but at least you’re not on (expletive) fire.” Meyers also went after Trump's repeated use of the phrase "We're going to win on healthcare." “What does ‘we’re going to win on health care’ even mean? The only time I ever consider myself winning on health care is when the nurse calls me in before everyone else in the waiting room.”


