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Mahavidya Goddess Bhairavi
Udyad Bhaanu Sahasra Kaanti Maruna Shaumam Shiromaalikaam
Raktaalipta Payodharaam Japa Vateem Vidyaam Bheetim Varam
Hastaab Jair Dhadhateem Trinetra Vilasaad Vaktrara Vinda Shriyam
Devim Baddha Himaanshu Ratna Mukutaam Vande Ravinda Sthitaam
Meaning:Bhairavi possesses the effulgence of a thousand rising suns. She has three eyes and wears a jeweled crown with the crest of the moon. Her lotus face is happy and smiling. She wears a red garment (generally made of silk), her breasts are smeared with blood, and she is adorned with a garland of severed human heads. She has four hands and carries a rosary and a book. She makes the gestures of knowledge and that for giving boons with the other two hands.
Fifth in Dus-Mahavidya One of the most fierce and terrifying aspect of the Goddess, only a bit different from Maha-Kali, Goddess of Destruction.The power who destroy everything, She is as Tripur-Bhairavi, Tripur means the three world "Heaven, World and Hades" and Bhairavi means as a principles of destruction. Lord Shiva who is the god of destruction and destroy every thing according, we resembles Tripur-Bhairavi or Bhairavi in the form of destroyer. She give the power or knowledge of destruction, full with destructive nature.
She is related with the fierce form and appearance of Shiva at the time of demolition. When everything in this Universe declines she raise out and present till ending with her natural power. She is also related with self-destructive habit like drinking alcohol, Smoking etc., and also in natural properties like anger, jealousy, selfishness etc. She is good for good ones and terrifying and dangerous to bad ones and used for atrocious works in Tantra* .
She also identified with Maha-Pralaya* (the Grate Cosmic Desolation), her destructive aspect is not always negative, "Creation cannot continue without Destruction".
Mahavidya Goddess Bhairavi
Udyad Bhaanu Sahasra Kaanti Maruna Shaumam Shiromaalikaam
Raktaalipta Payodharaam Japa Vateem Vidyaam Bheetim Varam
Hastaab Jair Dhadhateem Trinetra Vilasaad Vaktrara Vinda Shriyam
Devim Baddha Himaanshu Ratna Mukutaam Vande Ravinda Sthitaam
Meaning:Bhairavi possesses the effulgence of a thousand rising suns. She has three eyes and wears a jeweled crown with the crest of the moon. Her lotus face is happy and smiling. She wears a red garment (generally made of silk), her breasts are smeared with blood, and she is adorned with a garland of severed human heads. She has four hands and carries a rosary and a book. She makes the gestures of knowledge and that for giving boons with the other two hands.
Fifth in Dus-Mahavidya One of the most fierce and terrifying aspect of the Goddess, only a bit different from Maha-Kali, Goddess of Destruction.The power who destroy everything, She is as Tripur-Bhairavi, Tripur means the three world "Heaven, World and Hades" and Bhairavi means as a principles of destruction. Lord Shiva who is the god of destruction and destroy every thing according, we resembles Tripur-Bhairavi or Bhairavi in the form of destroyer. She give the power or knowledge of destruction, full with destructive nature.
She is related with the fierce form and appearance of Shiva at the time of demolition. When everything in this Universe declines she raise out and present till ending with her natural power. She is also related with self-destructive habit like drinking alcohol, Smoking etc., and also in natural properties like anger, jealousy, selfishness etc. She is good for good ones and terrifying and dangerous to bad ones and used for atrocious works in Tantra* .
She also identified with Maha-Pralaya* (the Grate Cosmic Desolation), her destructive aspect is not always negative, "Creation cannot continue without Destruction".