Illiterate Steve Harvey doesn’t think anyone would like Asian men

  • 7 years ago
CHICAGO — When Steve Harvey isn’t learning how to read, he apparently hosts a daytime talk show called the Steve Harvey Show.

Last week, Harvey started his show by making fun of some self-help books. One of them was sadly called How to Date a White Woman: A Practical Guide for Asian Men.

Just reading the title caused Harvey to break down in laughter.

Harvey then asks his audience, “Excuse me, do you like Asian men?” He answers for them, “No. Thank You.”

Then he launched into this bit, “How to Date a Black Woman: A Practical Guide to Asian Men. Same thing. ‘You like Asian men?’ I don’t even like Chinese food. It don’t stay with you no time … I don’t eat what I can’t pronounce.”

Interesting that Harvey is joking about pronunciation, considering his moronic Miss Universe debacle last year. In his defense, the words ‘Colombia’ and ‘Philippines’ look practically identical.

Hopefully Harvey will get a nice warm welcome when he heads comes to Asia in two
weeks to host the Miss Universe pageant in the Philippines. Maybe he should try out his Asian men jokes again.


