The first Antichrist! The Serpent God !!Quetzalcoat !! (Cain)

  • il y a 8 ans
The Bible clearly indicates that the creation of God in six days was once extraordinarily wonderful and good. With the subsequent entrance of sin the whole creation became polluted and afflicted. Thus all creation, including ourselves, fell, altered, and afflicted, and lamented for restoration.

We thus arrive at the indication that Cain and his adamic progeny "according to the flesh" instituted a cult opposed to that of his brother Abel. All the indications allow us to recognize that Cain inaugurated the cult of worship of the Sun, that is to say the cult of the intelligence which is also called "the Cult of the Self" or "the Cult of the enchantment of Self" , The Hebrew word "Nachash" which means "enchantment" and "reasoning", which was translated as "serpent". This term is related in the Apocalypse to "Dragon", one who admires attentively, the Enlightened or the Initiate, a Sovereign. This identifies Cain as the first Supreme Pontiff, that is, "the first Antichrist". It is significant that we find in the Hindus a practice of this cult which is called "Kundalini" or "the ascent of the serpent of fire towards the inner sun of the soul". This relationship tells us why ancient civilizations were imbued with magical practices of all kinds. r. coast to coast am
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