Mera Maan - Training, Consulting & Social Innovation Hub - Pakistan

  • 8 years ago
CASCADING State Bank of Pakistan’s
National Financial Literacy Programme
09-11 January, 2017, NIBAF Islamabad
Mera Maan’s passion for ‘building capacity to build capacity’ continues! Through a highly intensive and creative ToT, 34 Commercial Bankers were trained as trainers and 8 SBP-BSC staff as Master Trainers to roll out a 5-hour National Financial Literacy Program which covers budgeting, saving, investment, debt management, currency management, Islamic banking, financial products and services, and consumer rights and responsibilities.
An exciting feature of the training was for the trainers to conduct a ‘real’ rollout of the NFLP curriculum with 31 community participants from the Alipur Frash (Islamabad). This training was held at the NIBAF Islamabad on 9-11 January.
