Inspiring Cloud Formations Unlike Anything You've Ever Seen

  • 16 ปีที่แล้ว - If you've ever seen someone standing in an empty field and staring up into the heavens, do you wonder what it is they're looking at?

Yeah, people around me do this often... Of course, I'm the one standing in the middle of the field and staring up! But I'm usually looking at something amazing. And although some label me as a lunatic, I'm way past caring...

After all, I've got thunderstorms to catch!

Too right! And honestly, who wouldn't want to observe the terrific cloud formations, huge storm fronts and hypnotic dance of light and shade that tumbles in as storms...?

That stuff is addictive!

Then with trusty digital SLR Nikon poised, I can catch myself some of the beautiful 'angel pictures' I see up there, snap myself some cool cloud photos, and bring many more inspiring weather images into my folio...

Personally, for me this is the best way to learn photography...

No photography lessons required.

Of course, you need to know how to fire the Nikon and reload it fast too. And keep it steady when wild winds are hammering you and the rain Gods are fast approaching...

But be aware, for it's in those moments when the angels appear, dancing in peculiar cloud formations high above you...


Will I see you out there too, watching and waiting for the right moment?

(I hope so!)

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