The Wolf and The Seven Little Goats Story | Fairy Tales For Kids by TinyDreams \r
When a mother goat leaves her seven kids at home, a hungry wolf disguises himself as their returning mother and gobbles whole all but the youngest kid. But the mother goat thinks up an ingenious way to save all of her children and punish the wolf by sewing rocks into his stomach. \r
Moral : Wicked ones are always punished in the end. \r
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The Three Little Pigs and Big Bad Wolf:
When a mother goat leaves her seven kids at home, a hungry wolf disguises himself as their returning mother and gobbles whole all but the youngest kid. But the mother goat thinks up an ingenious way to save all of her children and punish the wolf by sewing rocks into his stomach. \r
Moral : Wicked ones are always punished in the end. \r
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